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RAD-140 (Testolone) SARM Alternatives: RAD140 Results & Side Effects

RAD-140 (Testolone) SARM Alternatives


* Please consult your primary care provider before starting any new supplement, to ensure if they are right for you. 

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RAD 140 (Testolone) is a banned drug that has damaging side effects. If you are searching for details regarding Testolone or where to get it, then this is not the right place for you.

If you are looking for alternatives, then check out RadBulk, one of the best and most natural alternatives to RAD 140.

Visit RadBulk to claim 20% OFF your 1st purchase.

(Ad) The world is progressing at jet speed. For bodybuilders as well as athletes, time is precious. Everyone wants to reach the top in the shortest possible time. The competition is so tough that crossing a threshold limit in age makes it difficult for competitors to compete with those who are fresher.

Would-be champions revert to anabolic steroids for faster growth of their muscles and energy level so they can continue with their hours of hard workouts and stringent practices during their workout sessions.

Emergence of RAD 140, Testolone

But as we all know, steroids can cause many harmful effects on the body in the long term. In order to resolve such issues and help athletes and bodybuilders with an alternative source of boost, the medical fraternity carried out much research.

Finally, Radius Health, Inc. came out with the presently banned drug, Testolone, or RAD 140. The drug became popular among proponents of health and strength and came to be popularly known as Testolone.

What are SARM drugs? And what is RAD 140, specifically?

The drug’s manufacturer claimed the medicine belonged to the class of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). The company claimed the drug had only positive benefits while all the harmful and damaging consequences of steroids had been eliminated.

Originally, this drug was intended to be developed as a cure to a phenomenon in which loss of muscles occurs. But eventually it became popular among athletes before it was banned.

The drug is still believed to be in its development phase. At the time of its development, it was claimed by the manufacturers that RAD 140 had been designed to select particular adrenergic receptors of muscles as well as bones. 

Both men and women have androgens in their bodies. This steroid hormone helps in developing stereotypically male characteristics. The main hormone of the androgen group is called testosterone, which we find in large quantities in males.

RAD 140 (Testolone) is not legal.

But the worst thing about SARM products is that they are not legal.

Sufficient evidence, based on intensive research, is not available to prove the effectiveness of SARM medicine. The medicines are not yet approved by authorities for human use.

Many case studies have also revealed that RAD 140 causes liver failure as well as impaired vision.

The dosages are not yet standardized or backed by clinical testing. On the contrary, the FDA has issued a warning against using the drug.

It is true that anabolic steroids have dangerous side effects. At times, threatening reactions from anabolic steroids have been reported, like breast growth in men, liver damage, unnatural hair growth all over the body in men as well as women, etc.

But the replacement of anabolic steroids by RAD 140 was also far from safe.

From its inception, RAD 140 has plunged into tons of controversies. People questioned its efficacy, the lack of evidence demonstrating any benefits, lack of dedicated research, and, in particular, the lack of proper approval by authoritative and reliable organizations like FDA.

Alternative legal drugs

RAD-140-SARM-Alternatives | Legal-Drugs

But the zeal of persons aspiring to reach athletic heights cannot be suppressed. There has arisen a concerted effort to find an alternative to RAD 140 and medicines like it that will be effective yet devoid of harmful consequences.

RAD 140 often is designated as an oral SARM. It is basically a nonsteroidal alternative to anabolic drugs. But in spite of its nonsteroidal characteristics, it could not stand the test of time.

The claim by users of the medicine was that it could be used to dramatically enhance muscle growth in the same way that high production of testosterone would.

Such SARM groups of products are grouped as therapeutic products having similar properties to anabolic agents. But they have fewer androgenic properties.

Thus, the claim was that the medicine would produce the benefits of androgen receptors on select tissues but without the side effects of steroid drugs.

These are the reasons for its growing popularity among the serious sport lovers of the world.

So RAD 140 was termed a bioavailable, potent, nonsteroidal oral SARM. It was used to interact with hormonal receptors, mimicking the effects of heavy doses of testosterone. Thus, the medicine was supposed to provide the same effect as anabolic steroids without the harmful side effects of the steroids.

Click here to buy a legal RAD 140 alternative online.

The illegal combination: RAD 140 (Testolone) & Ostarine

Ostarine, another banned drug, was believed to enhance the strength of joints, trying to prevent injuries. It attempted to play a significant role in enhancing strength and improving performance.

Ibutamoren was believed to work on the recovery aspect and on synthesis of protein. It was meant to also help increase energy levels as well as boosting metabolism.

YK 11, on the other hand, was created to potentially reduce the effect of myostatin. The body is switched over to the ideal conditions for the growth of the muscles.

But by finally trying to remedy the ill effects of anabolic steroids, we are again falling into the trap of a newer version of the drug that is equally harmful to its users.

The limited studies that have been carried out on the side effects of the medicine point to two important side effects.


Regular use of RAD 140 has been found to cause aggressive behavior among its users. This may occur due to a rise in testosterone levels, owing to the ill effects of some chemicals included in the drug for faster growth of muscles.

Suppression of Testosterone

When we try to take over a job that the body naturally does on its own, the body reciprocates by ceasing to do that job. This is why modern scientists and medical practitioners do not suggest using any artificial external stimulants that may interfere with the various systems of the body.

Many pediatricians even recommend against the use of supplements like health drinks, arguing that if the body gets all its nutrients directly, it stops working to extract such nutrients from foods. In this way, taking certain supplements might jeopardize the body’s own metabolic system.

Similarly, supplying a large quantity of testosterone may send a message to the body that it no longer needs to produce testosterone at all. This is called testosterone suppression.

If the body stops producing natural testosterone, users face serious consequences.

As the collection of evidence and analysis of sufficient feedback are still at a preliminary level, it is hard to list all the possible side effects of the medicine.

The complete picture will only be revealed after thorough research into the scam by authorities and experts.

Until that time, this medicine, which has no proper approval from recognized organizations, should not be used.

RAD 140 (Testolone): Side Effects

The other probable side effects which have been noted by the experts are:

  • Androgenic alopecia
  • Severe mood swings
  • Impotence
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Headache
  • Lack of focus
  • Lack of concentration
  • Toxic effects on the liver
  • Stones in gall bladder and kidney
  • Stomachache
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nervousness
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Weakness and pains
  • Skin issues like acne, eczema, scars, and discoloration
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Nausea
  • Stroke
  • Insomnia
  • Vomiting
  • Low libido
  • Gynecomastia for men
  • Unusual hair growth in women

Natural alternatives to RAD 140 (Testolone)


RAD-140-SARM-Alternatives | RADBULK

The Radbulk website claims it to be a reliablealternative to RAD 140. One point that may be considered attractive in Radbulk is that all its ingredients are natural.

Click here to visit the official website of Brutal Force.

This medicine is primarily aimed at reducing fats in your body and helping you to build powerful muscles. Users report that it is effective while not having any harmful after effects.

Unlike SARMs, the legal alternative to RAD 140, Radbulk, has no synthetic components. Hence, the manufacturer claims there is no known side affects of causing hormonal imbalances in your body.

In theory, the natural ingredients in the medicine work intrinsically to boost the natural working metabolism of the users. It is meant to stimulate anabolic activities, naturally enhancing the production of testosterone.

Thus, in theory, you get all the beneficial effects of testolone, but without its side effects.

This drug, on the other hand, is made in accordance with good manufacturing practices (GMP) and its manufacturing facility is approved by the FDA.

Benefits & Results of Radbulk (Legal Alternative to RAD 140)

Radbulk is considered to be the best of the many muscle-building medicines that have appeared in the market as an alternative to RAD 140.

Its potential benefits can be summarized as below:

  • Radbulk contains natural ingredients and hence is less likely to cause any side effects.
  • It has the capacity to potentially quickly build your muscles and is designed to do so quite efficiently.
  • It may help stimulate the metabolism, arresting fat accumulation in the body.
  • It may help build lean muscles.
  • By converting burnt fats into useful energy, it may help minimize recovery time after strenuous exercises.
  • It may become capable of burning the most stubborn fats around the belly and thighs.

Know the Composition of Radbulk

This fat-burning, lean-muscle-building pill is made from selected natural ingredients taken from varied locations having various significant properties.

The ingredients are selected on the basis of intense research by medical professionals and combined in the most potent combinations so that Radbulk becomes the best medicine for bodybuilding aspirants.

The backing of scientific research makes the manufacturer confident enough to make guarantees to its users regarding its efficacies and reliability.

Dosages and Uses

The manufacturer of the medicine has suggested simple dosage rules, so that the users have no difficulty in handling the medicine.

You only have to take 2 capsules per day. Swallow the capsules with water. Don’t eat your next meal until 45 minutes after taking the capsules.

To get the fullest benefits of the medicine, it is important to follow a healthy diet along with a good exercise regime, as well as speaking to your doctor before and while taking this supplement. 

Feedback Regarding This RAD 140 Alternative

Radbulk is getting very good feedback from users.

Radbulk’s users are bodybuilders and athletes.

If you are interested, you can browse through Brutal Force’s website and many others where testimonials about the medicine are available.

How to Buy Radbulk

To buy the product at the lowest price, visit the Brutal Force website. It is available at a price of $59.99. The company also has other promo offers and discounted sales.

In addition to Radbulk, there are other alternatives to RAD 140 (Testolone).

Tip: If you are a woman looking for a natural, mild fat burner, look here for Leanbean.

  • Ostabulk contains Ostarine MK 2866. This medicine can help with muscle growth and strength. The manufacturer says that using it regularly will increase your testosterone level, giving you more male characteristics, like a V-shaped body, lean muscles, bass voice, and improved strength.
  • Andalean contains Andarine S4. The manufacturer says that this drug promotes faster muscle growth and strength, reducing your recovery time after strenuous exercise by converting fats into useful energy.
  • Ligabulk contains Ligandrol LGD 4033. The manufacturer says Ligabulk is useful for building strong muscles, and that it reduces your recovery time and enhances strength.
  • YKbulk contains YK 11, Myostatin. According to the manufacturer, this is suitable for extreme growth of muscles and helps to quickly increase strength and improve performances.
  • Cutsr 9 contains SR 9009, Stenabolic. The maker of this medicine says that it is a powerful burner for fat. The claim is that it works by regulating the metabolism to its optimum level, accelerating the burning of fats, and that it also enhances focus and concentration.
  • Ibutalean contains Ibutamoren, MK 677. The manufacturer says this helps to build muscles. It is a strong anti-inflammatory drug.
  • Cardalean contains Cardarine, GW 501516. The manufacturer says this enhances loss of fats, improves stamina, and promotes lean mass.

RAD-140 & SARMs Are Banned: What Other Legal Alternatives Do I Have?

RAD-140-SARM-Alternatives | conclusion

Due to a stiff competitive arena all around the world, younger aspirants of health and vigor are resorting to various shortcuts to attain the dream.

Since the coming of the Internet, a vast number of alternatives have become available. Youth aren’t worried about authenticity. Their propensity towards adventure often leads them to unusual modes and destructive roads.

The Internet often extolls the benefits of drugs in reviews. These reviews do not have any evidence or backlinks to a credible authority.

Youth typically get swept away by the elegant ways of advertising and its many concealed subtle messages. In this way, they often fall into the trap of taking dangerous drugs in the hope of building a body and impressing their friends.

This they do discreetly, without taking the advice of their guardians and seniors. Internally, they may also feel a short of shame in using drugs. But in spite of that, the attraction to their dream of achieving some feat or getting closer to someone they hope to impress is such that they resort to such shortcuts.

Such is the target audience for drugs that fall into the class of anabolic steroids. Though such drugs can give quick results, there is dependable evidence that steroids cause serious side effects that are difficult to reverse.

Soon young athletes taking steroids find themselves facing odd side effects, like the development of breasts like those of a woman, excessive hair, painful erections, impotency, shrinking testicles, reduced sperm count, depression, etc.

Muscle dysmorphia is one syndrome in which males feel as if they are very weak and in low spirits in spite of the fact that their body is muscular and strong.

Steroids are said to cause such debilities among their male users. Many users of steroids have been found to have depression, poor self-esteem, and some attempt suicide.

A myth has been propagated in the bodybuilding industry that the body’s muscles stop growing after a period of training and workouts. This is not true. With a proper healthy diet, sleep, and structured training, muscle growth can be enhanced throughout one’s youth.

In the online market, many legal alternatives have appeared. Following is the list obtained from the Brutal Force website:

Dbulk as an alternative to Dianabol => Click here.

Abulk as an alternative to Anadrol => Click here.

Sbulk as an alternative to Sustanon => Click here.

Tbulk as an alternative to Trenbolone => Click here.

Ccut as an alternative to Clenbuterol => Click here.

Dianabol vs Dbulk

Dianabol is a well-known steroid that has been used by athletes and bodybuilders. 

But this steroid is far from safe and has many side effects, like fluid retention, acne, baldness, development of male characteristics in females, swelling of breasts in men, etc.

So dianabol never got approval and remained illegal.

Dbulk’s manufacturer says it is a natural alternative to Dianabol. It is made from natural ingredients like L-Leucine and vitamin D3. It is meant to provide all the benefits of Dianabol without its side effects.

MSM, which is included in the drug, contributes to a faster recovery so you can push your hardest in workouts.

RAD-140-SARM-Alternatives | DBULK

Click here to visit the official website.

Clenbuterol vs CCUT

Clenbuterol is another steroid, which was originally used to treat asthma. But subsequently, the muscle building property of the steroid has been noticed and bodybuilders have turned to it for faster results.

But with it, this steroid brought various side effects, like chest pain, increased heart rate, tremors, rapid breathing, palpitations, etc.

The legal, natural alternative is CCUT. The manufacturer claims that this natural legal steroid has been able to mimic clenbuterol’s stimulation of thermogenesis and performance-enhancing performances.

The natural ingredients of CCUT are Niacin, Garcinia cambogia, bitter orange extract, and Guarana extract.

According to the manufacturer, you get all the benefits and none of the side effects.

RAD-140-SARM-Alternatives | CCUT

Click here to visit the official website.

Trenbolone vs Tbulk

Trenbolone is another steroid, which is known by the names Finaplix and Finajet. This steroid was used to increase the bulk of muscles in cattle. Gradually, some humans began experimenting with it to bulk up their muscles.

It has many side effects, as described below:

  • Decreased levels of testosterone
  • Baldness
  • Hair growth on the face as well as on various other parts of the body
  • Acne with oily skin
  • Imbalance of cholesterol, increasing bad cholesterol (LDL) and reducing good cholesterol (HDL)

Should you accept such dangerous side effects just to enhance your muscles?

The remedy comes through the introduction of Tbulk. This natural medicine, according to its manufacturer, is able to mimic the steroid Trenbolone, bringing all the benefits of muscle growth and increase in strength and power.

There is no need for any injection or harmful side effects. This company claims to offer you all the benefits of steroids from this legal steroid.

RAD-140-SARM-Alternatives | TBULK

Click here to visit the official website.

Anadrol vs Abulk

Anadrol is yet another steroid, known as Oxymethalon. It was used to increase the production of red blood cells and enhance oxygen levels in the body.

This dual approach of increased red blood corpuscles and oxygen gives athletes harder muscles and enhanced strength to do extensive workouts and superb performance.

But these benefits come in exchange for many side effects, like hyperactivity syndrome, insomnia, gynecomastia, and digestive issues.

Tbulk was developed to mimic the steroid anadrol, but without any side effects, giving you a solid power to punch. The manufacturer says that this natural drug enhances the oxygen supply to the muscles with a surge of sudden energy, giving you enhanced strength with a faster rate of recovery.

In theory, that’s no fat, a reliable product, and lots of lean muscles.

RAD-140-SARM-Alternatives | ABULK

Click here to visit the official website.

Sustanon vs Sbulk

The steroid Sustanon quickly increases the body’s level of testosterone. The same effect can be obtained from a natural alternative for the steroid, called Sbulk, but without the many side effects that the steroid produces.

Artificial enhancement of testosterone levels with the help of steroids is not as good as it sounds. It causes aggression and testosterone suppression, which is quite detrimental for your body.

The correct way to increase testosterone levels is to do so in a natural way by boosting the body’s capacity to produce natural testosterone. This can be achieved, according to their manufacturers, with dietary supplements like Sbulk and other natural male enhancement pills.

It is possible to gain muscle mass and increase strength and power naturally by using Sbulk.

In fact, Sustanon became known to aspirants as the basic steroid for bodybuilding. But gradually, the many side effects of the steroid compelled its users to look for a natural alternative.

RAD-140-SARM-Alternatives | SBULK

Click here to visit the official website.

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*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice nor to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, and may or may not be peer reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using a natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.

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