Best Anti Snoring Devices - Mouthpieces, Mouth Guards and TRD Reviews

Which Snoring Devices Really Work | MADs | TSDs | Top Snoring Aids

This article lists five of the best anti snoring devices available. It also provides an insight into the various pros and cons regarding their use. In the end, personal preference is likely to be a big part of the decision-making process, but at least when you make your choice, you will have a good idea what to expect. 

Quick Look: Top Snoring Devices 

Airsnore - best all around snoring device [editors choice] 

GMSS - best tongue stabilizer  

VitalSleep - adjustable MAD 

ZQuiet - advanced flexibility 

SnoreRX - highly durable   

Many people suffer from poor sleep due to snoring. Its not just the person making the noise who is affected. Snoring issues often wake up their husband, wife, or sleep partner too. Many who have a problem with really high-volume snoring may also disturb someone sleeping in another room. 

Several things can contribute to the problem we call snoring, and the tongue is one of the main culprits. During sleep, like other muscles in the body, the tongue starts to relax. As it does this, it often tends to drop towards the back of the throat. This causes an obstruction in the airway. 

The muscles in the soft palate relax as well, as do the muscles of the throat. When they are relaxed, muscles become softer. The ones around the airway are no exception to the rule, and, while relaxed, all that soft tissue becomes more susceptible to the turbulence that occurs when the tongue drops backward during sleep. 

The noise we call snoring is an audible response to the vibrations occurring at the back of the throat. 

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to control snoring. Sometimes a few lifestyle changes are all that it takes, such as getting more exercise and losing some weight. At the other end of the scale, there are several surgical procedures that may help. 

However, using a good anti-snoring device is often the fastest and most effective way to get snoring under control.  

There are many different options available and some of them work better than others. Nobody likes to waste time and money going through a process of trial and error, but finding the right device may take some time. 

Best Anti Snoring Devices 

Virtually all the most effective devices that stop snoring are mouth guards or tongue stabilizing devices (TSDs). Both options are designed to control snoring by opening up the airway at the back of the throat. 

Mouthguards achieve this by advancing the lower jaw to pull the tongue forward. TSDs open up the airway by pulling the tongue forward by its tip. 

When the tongue is moved forward via either method, it helps prevent the air turbulence that makes the flesh at the back of the throat vibrate and make a noise. 

1. AirSnoreMAD - Editors Choice 

AirSnore is a MAD. Thats an acronym for mandibular advancement device. This type of device resembles a double-sided gum shield, so they are often called snoring mouth guards. 

Like all the most effective advancement devices that help snorers, AirSnore is manufactured to exacting standards using only the highest-quality materials. 

Easily one of the most popular devices on the market, AirSnore has already helped more than 80,000 people to get their snoring under control.  

What Does AirSnore Do? 

As with the gum shields used in contact sports, stop snoring mouth guards fit snugly over the teeth. Like gum shields, they are often set up via a system known as boil and bite which utilizes hot water to soften the plastic so it can mold perfectly to the teeth. 

When you fit the mouthguard to your teeth, it advances the lower jaw, bringing the tongue with it. 

AirSnore is a boil-and-bite mouthpiece. Its a little different from most of the other options because customers who wish to do so can use it as part of a two-part system by combining it with AirSnore aromatic drops. The drops ease congestion and help keep the airway clear. 

Who Should Use AirSnore? 

AirSnore is an excellent option for most people who snore, but it requires strong front teeth. If you wear dentures, AirSnore wont be the right device for you. Nor will you be able to use it if any of your front teeth have crowns. They may not be able to take the strain. 

Presuming all your front teeth are sound, and you dont wear braces or a retainer during sleep, you should have no problem using the AirSnore snoring solution. 

If your snoring is only an occasional problem, brought on by congestion due to allergies, colds, or flu, it may be worthwhile considering using AirSnore drops as a standalone snoring solution. 

AirSnore Pros and Cons 


Easy initial set-up via boil and bite 

Works for a high portion of snorers 

A full product (MAD and drops) 

Can be used for sleep apnea 

80,000+ satisfied users 

Well priced with long guarantee   


Requires strong front teeth 

Cannot be used if you have dentures 

Doesnt ship to some countries   

Where to Buy AirSnore 

AirSnore is available only via the official AirSnore website. You can buy the mouthguard and drops individually or as a combo pack. AirSnore is popular in the United States, Canada, UK, South Africa, and Australia. 

Although AirSnore is already surprisingly cheap in comparison to other high-quality mouthguards, its often possible to bag an even better bargain. The official site runs regular flash sales that provide discounts of up to 20 percent. 

2. Good Morning Snore Solution - TSD

Good morning Snore Solution (GMSS) is a TSD that boasts a superior design and better appearance than standard TSDs. Easily the most advanced device of its type, GMSS was designed by a doctor accredited with the Academy of Sleep Medicine. 

Its not just the design and quality. Its also got FDA clearance as an anti-snoring device. 

If you prefer a TSD to a mouthguard, GMSS is easily the best pick for a snorer suited to this type of device 

What Does GMSS Do? 

Good Morning Snore Solution is a hollow device that sits over the lips and has a suction bulb at the front. When you place your tongue inside it, the device gently tugs the tongue forward to open up the airway at the back of the throat. 

You create a vacuum by applying light finger pressure to the bulb at the front and then releasing it. Although not uncomfortably powerful, the suction is sufficient to stabilize the tongue and hold it in place through the night. 

Who Should Use Good Morning Snore Solution? 

Most people should be able to use the TSD. However, it wont be the right option for anyone who cannot breathe through their nose. Due to the way it works, the device would make mouth breathing difficult. 

If you have dental issues that prevent you from using an anti-snoring mouthguard, Good Morning Snore Solution is probably the best alternative. It achieves the same goal but does it in a slightly different way. 

This product is also a good option for people who have jaw problems but not for anyone who has an unusually short tongue. 

Good Morning Snore Solution Pros and Cons 


Innovative design  


Kinder to the tongue than traditional TSDs 

FDA-cleared for over the counter options 

90-day money-back guarantee   


Possibility of initial tongue discomfort 

Must be able to breathe through the nose (not mouth breathers) 

Unsuitable for people with short tongues   

Where to Buy Good Morning Snore Solution 

You can buy it only via the manufacturers website. Two sizes are available. The standard size should be correct for most adults, but there is also a smaller option for people who have smaller mouths. 

Both sizes are available as a twin-pack at a significantly discounted price. The twin-pack is a great option for anyone wanting a spare mouthpiece or for households with two snorers. 

Its also possible to buy a sizing pack with both sizes of mouthpiece. Again, the cost is significantly cheaper than buying two mouthpieces via separate transactions. 

3. VitalSleep - MAD 

VitalSleep is an adjustable, boil-and-bite anti-snoring mouthguard. With non-adjustable alternatives, you have to set the level of lower jaw advancement during the boil-and-bite stage. VitalSleep has a unique mechanism that makes it possible to move the lower tray forward in 1 mm increments. 

The adjustment mechanism makes it easy to advance the jaw slowly over a period of weeks, if necessary. This can help prevent jaw pain in the early stages of use. 

The VitalSleep mouthguard is also vented at the front for easier mouth breathing during sleep. Its an innovative, high-quality anti-snoring device designed to get snoring under control with the minimum of fuss, and its not one size fits all. 

VitalSleep comes in two sizes. The larger one is for men and the smaller version is better for women. 

Some people pay $1,000 for anti-snoring mouthpieces custom-built by a dentist. With two sizes and the ability for precise fine-tuning, VitalSleep offers all the advantages of a custom-built device at a fraction of the price. 

What Does VitalSleep Do? 

In basic terms, VitalSleep doesnt work much differently from alternative mouthguards. Its the extra refinements that make the big difference and its adjustable nature is one of the devices strongest selling points. 

Who Should Use VitalSleep? 

As with alternative mouthguards, VitalSleep is a great option for most people who have strong front teeth. If you=ve tried this type of anti-snoring device in the past and had a problem with jaw pain, VitalSleep should tick check the right boxes. If you need to, you will be able to advance your jaw slowly and give your jaw plenty of time to adjust. 

VitalSleep Pros and Cons 


Easy initial set-up via boil and bite 

Adjustable after initial set-up 

Choice of two sizes 

Vented for easy breathing 

Does not contain latex or BPA 

Countless satisfied customers 

60-day money-back guarantee 

Two year warranty   


Incompatible with dentures 

Requires strong front teeth (all MADs do) 

May cause drooling during sleep   

Where to Buy VitalSleep 

If you want to control your snoring with VitalSleep, the official website is the only place to go. Even when you pay the full price, its a surprisingly cheap anti-snoring mouthguard, especially bearing in mind the build quality and refinements. 

However, the site often offers significant reductions that bring the price down even further. If you want one of the best mouth guards at the best possible price, you cant go wrong with VitalSleep. 

4. ZQuiet - MAD 

And now for something a little different. ZQuiet is an anti-snoring mouthpiece (MAD) that does not require boil and bite. Just take the device out of the box and you are ready to go. 

The boil and bite set-up stage can be dispensed with, thanks to a unique living hinge technology. The ZQuiet Living Hinge is pretty clever stuff because it allows the device to automatically adjust itself to the jaw and provide a good fit automatically. 

The device comes in two sizes. Both are included in the box and are numbered "1" and "2." This makes it possible to try them both to find which size fits best. Then, in the future, when you need a replacement, you order the relevant size. 

What Does ZQuiet (MAD) Do? 

Theres no need to go over old ground here. ZQuiet controls snoring via the same method all anti-snoring mouthguards employ. 

However, the Living Hinge gives it a slight edge in one area in particular. If your mouth falls open while you are asleep, the hinge keeps the device in place. There is no opportunity for it to fall out. 

Better still, it also maintains jaw advancement to prevent the tongue from dropping backward. 

Who Should Use ZQuiet? 

ZQuiet is a good option for anyone who prefers to use a mouthguard to control their snoring. You could also see it as the lazy persons anti-snoring mouthguard. Although boil and bite is a quick and effective process, some people do not want to spend time doing it. 

The fact that no initial set-up is necessary, thanks to the Living Hinge, is probably one of Zquiets biggest selling points. 

However, Living Hinge or not, ZQuiet still requires strong front teeth. 

ZQuiet MAD Pros and Cons 


No initial set-up is necessary 

FDA-approved stop snoring mouthpiece (MAD) 

Produced in collaboration with dental experts 

Over 1.5 million users  60-day money-back guarantee 

Free returns   


Possibility of initial soreness 

May cause drooling 

Requires strong teeth   

Where to Buy ZQuiet 

You can only buy Zquiet from the ZQuiet website. In addition to buying the device outright, customers also have the option of paying a small charge for postage and trying the device for 30 days before purchase. 

5. SnoreRX - MAD 

SnoreRX is an FDA-approved boil and bite anti-snoring mouthpiece with an inbuilt adjustment mechanism. Its called the Posi-Lock and it makes it easy to advance the jaw in stages, 1 mm at a time. 

With a durable, lab-quality design, SnoreRX is easily one of the best anti-snoring devices available online. 

Building on the success of the original device, the manufacturer has developed a second, more advanced, version. Its called SnoreRX Plus and, like the original version, SnoreRX Plus has already proved to be a winner with thousands of customers all over the world. 

What Does SnoreRX Do? 

Again, its not the method of action that makes this anti-snoring mouthguard different from the alternative options; its the build quality and design features. 

SnoreRX is very similar to VitalSleep. Both devices are fine-tuned by unique systems. The big difference with VitalSleep is that the adjustment is done via a special tool. SnoreRX does not require a tool. When you apply finger pressure to the sides of the device, it releases a lock mechanism, making movement possible. 

Who Should Use SnoreRX? 

SnoreRX is a good option for most people who have strong front teeth. Its also an excellent choice for people who want to ease into using a mouthguard gently and advance their jaw to an unfamiliar position over a number of days, 1 mm at a time. 

SnoreRX Pros and Cons 


Boil and bite set-up  

Easy-to-use calibrator MAD (for fine-tuning) 

Adjustable in 1 mm increments 

Cushions the teeth during sleep 

Supports mouth breathing during sleep 

FDA-approved anti-snoring device (MAD) 

30-day money-back guarantee   


May be some initial soreness 

May cause drooling 

Requires strong front teeth   

Where to Buy SnoreRX 

As with all the best anti-snoring devices, you can buy SnoreRX only via the official website. Its a little more expensive than most other options but its got an excellent reputation with customers all over the world. 

If you are always looking for a bargain, you may be interested to learn the manufacturer often has a special offer that makes it possible to buy a second SnoreRX device at little more than half price. 

Why Mouthguards (MADs) and TSDs are the Best Options 

When you are searching for an effective anti-snoring device, there are plenty of options to choose from. However, although other options have merit, anti-snoring mouthguards and TSDs generally deliver the best results. 

Both types of device take direct action against the root cause of snoring by moving the tongue forward and holding it in place. 

Anti- snoring mouthguards are generally more popular than TSDs. You have to remember, this type of device has been around for a long time. Doctors and sleep specialists often recommend them. Thats a strong endorsement of the basic design. 

If everyone had perfect front teeth, there might be less demand for TSDs. We dont live in a perfect world. TSDs are easily the best alternative to mouthguards. 

Its not just about dental issues, though. Some people prefer the way TSDs feel during the night and find them more comfortable to wear. 

Of course, surgery is an option for many people who snore, but mouthguards and TSDs are less invasive and do not present the same risks to health. Both options are also cheaper than many of the alternatives and tend to offer the best value for money. 

Do Anti-Snoring Devices Actually Work? 

Many anti-snoring devices work but, as already stated, mouthguards and TSDs tend to be the options that work best. 

Its also important to be aware quality can vary considerably from one device to the next. Many cheap mouthguards and TSDs are made from poor-quality materials that cannot stand up to the test of time. 

Cheap versions may also be a poor fit for the mouth or have rough edges that can irritate the tongue or the flesh inside the mouth. 

All the anti-snoring devices listed on this page use only the best materials, are built to last, and utilize superior design technology. 

As you may have noticed, all the best anti-snoring devices also have a money-back guarantee. 

When manufacturers back their products with a guarantee, it shows they have faith in their ability to deliver the goods. It also makes sure customers have nothing to lose because the manufacturers are guaranteeing their products will work. 

How Fast Do Snoring Devices Work? 

Depending on the device and your personal circumstances, all the best anti-snoring devices have the potential to get to work quite fast. Some people notice improvements from the very first night. 

However, with anti-snoring mouthguards and TSDs, it may take a little time to become used to sleeping with the device in your mouth. 

Adjustable mouthguards have the potential to be particularly slow-working. They also have the potential to work quite fast. How you use them can make a big difference. 

Although some people prefer to advance their jaws slowly over several weeks, this softly-softly approach can have a price. It may take quite a while before the jaw advances enough to deliver effective results. 

Its not a race, though. In the grand On the greater scalesceheme of things, are a few more weeks of snoring going to make such a big difference? 

Many people dont go slowly with their adjustable mouthguards, though. They advance their jaw a few millimeters and then monitor their snoring. If it persists, they advance it a little bit more and rinse and repeat.”  

Other Snoring Devices and Products 

Although mouthguards, MADs, and TSDs are the best anti-snoring devices for most people, there are plenty of other options as well. Non-surgical options include anti-snoring pillows, chin straps, and nose clips. Such devices work externally; there is no need to sleep with anything in your mouth. 

Anti-Snoring Pillows 

Anti-snoring pillows are available in a variety of designs. Some resemble normal pillows. Others are wedge-shaped. There are even smart-pillow options that move during the night and almost appear to have a life of their own. 

Snoring prevention pillows are designed to modify your sleep position to one less likely to result in snoring. 

Back sleeping is the worst position for causing snoring. Due to the wonders of gravity, it makes your tongue more likely to drop back. 

One popular type of anti-snoring pillow tackles this issue by making it nearly impossible to turn onto your back. The pillow has straps, similar to those of a backpack, that allow you to strap it to your back. 

There are also wedge-shaped pillows that force you to adopt a more upright position during sleep. The change in posture works well for some people but offers little benefit to others. 

One type of highly advanced smart-pillow, called Smart Nora, comes with a special device that has internal sensors. It responds to the first signs of snoring by triggering an air pump that rocks your pillow and interrupts your snoring before it gets underway. 

CPAP Machines 

Continuous positive airway pressure.. Kind of long, isn't it? No wonder people say CPAP for short. 

CPAP machines are generally seen as the gold-standard treatment for a condition called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). 

Although OSA can cause snoring, the noise is only part of the problem. With OSA, the airways at the back of the throat close completely, causing breathing to stop. This pause in breathing is known as an apnea. 

CPAP machines pump a continuous supply of air through the nose and/or the mouth via a mask. This causes a continuous pressure in the airway that prevents it from closing. 

Although CPAP can stop snoring as well as apneas, the treatment is more commonly used for OSA. Few people who snore relish the idea of sleeping with masks on their faces. 

Chin Straps 

Snoring chin straps were originally developed as a companion device for CPAP. If your mouth falls open during sleep, it can lower the internal air pressure, making the treatment less effective. 

Snoring chin straps fit over the head and cradle the lower jaw. This applies pressure that helps keep the mouth shut. Used alongside CPAP, chin straps can help ensure the treatment remains effective. 

At some point, people began using chin straps as a standalone snoring solution and some people find they work well. 

This is perhaps not so surprising because most people who snore are mouth snorers, and sleeping with an open mouth is apt to make the problem worse. 

However, chin straps also have the potential to make snoring worse. As well as holding up the lower jaw, they often press it backward. When this happens, its the exact opposite of an anti-snoring mouthguard or TSD, so its not surprising this can happen. 

So, although chin straps may work for some people, using them is always a gamble. They could just as easily make your snoring worse. 

Nose Clips 

Nose clips are anti-snoring solutions that fit inside the nose. Somewhat U-like in appearance, they are unlikely to fall out because they clip to the section of cartilage between the nostrils (septum). 

Itdebatable whether the clips keep the nostrils open to encourage freer breathing or obstruct airflow. Arguments can be made on either side. 

However, nose clips for snoring work a little differently than you may expect. They have a magnet on each tip. Once inserted in the nostrils, they create a magnetic field within the nose. 

The manufacturers claim this can alleviate snoring, but magnetic therapy is pseudoscience. There is no proof that this type of anti-snoring device works. 

Nasal Strips and Internal Dilators 

Nasal strips and internal dilators have greater credibility than anti-snoring nose clips and may possibly work best for nose snorers. 

Nose snoring is less common than mouth snoring. It happens in response to turbulence created behind the nose. This could be due to congestion, a bent septum, or any other factor that restricts airflow within the nose. 

Nasal strips are made from stiff material with glue on the back. They are disposable items you use once and then throw away. 

You place one strip of the bridge of your nose before going to bed. The glue adheres to the bridge of the nose and to the nostrils at either side. 

Although the strips are flexible, the material is somewhat spring-like and tries to return to its original (flat) shape. When it tries to do this, it pulls on the nostrils from the outside, helping to keep them open. 

Internal dilators come in several different designs. All of them sit inside the nostrils and force them to expand. 

Due to their lightweight design and thin material, none of them are likely to increase the risk of nasal obstruction like magnetic nose clips do. 

By increasing airflow through the nose and at the back of the throat, nasal strips and internal dilators may also offer some level of benefit to mouth snorers. However, they are unlikely to offer the same level of support as you get from an anti-snoring mouthguard or TSD. 

Anti-Snoring Devices: Summary and Conclusions 

There are many things people can do to try to control their snoringfar more than you see mentioned on this page. However, for reasons already explained earlier, anti-snoring mouthguards and TSDs are the two types of anti-snoring devices that offer the best chance of success.  

We stand by all five snoring solutions listed on this page. They are high-quality products produced to exacting standards by reputable suppliers, and all of them have excellent customer reviews. 

If you want to roll the dice, you have plenty of alternative devices to choose from, but why gamble? Trying numerous options that may or may not work can waste a lot of time. Unless you get lucky early on in the game, you will probably be still snoring as loudly as ever most of that time. 

The five oral devices listed on this page offer a greater chance of success than other options do, but there is no need to gamble on their abilities or take a leap of faith. Each of them has a money-back guarantee. 

In the end, the choice between using an anti-snoring mouthguard or a TSD is a personal one (teeth permitting). Its up to you to decide which option you prefer. The same is true when you are trying to decide which mouthguard is the best fit for your needs. You may still be spoiled for choice but no matter which you choose the odds are good you will be choosing an effective product. 


Do anti-snoring mouth guards and TSDs stay in place during sleep? 

Its not unheard of for oral anti-snoring devices to fall from the mouth during sleep. Some people complain about waking up and finding their device on the pillow. 

However, problems of this nature are more common with cheap, inferior devices. All the best devices are built to such high standards they are less likely to fall from the mouth. 

Whats the best way to clean an anti-snoring mouthpiece? 

The quickest and easiest way to clean a mouthpiece is to run it under the faucet. That may be alright occasionally, but its not the best or most hygienic option. 

Its often a good idea to soak the device in some denture cleaner. If you use an anti-snoring mouthguard, it may also be beneficial to give the device a good scrub with a toothbrush and toothpaste. 

However, before you clean any type of oral anti-snoring device, itbest to pay close attention to the manufacturers cleaning instructions and see if any special rules or considerations apply. 

How many times can you boil and bite? 

If you are unhappy with your initial impressions, you can usually repeat the boil-and-bite process a couple of times, but it would be detrimental to keep boiling and biting again and again. It would likely cause problems with the quality of the resin. 

With non-adjustable mouthguards, it may also be necessary to repeat the process if you do not sufficiently advance your lower jaw during the initial set-up. 

How do I know if my device is working? 

If you have a sleep partner, they will no doubt provide you with plenty of feedback, and its always a good sign if you dont wake up to them elbowing your ribs. 

If you sleep alone, you can take it as a good sign if you find you wake up feeling less tired and more refreshed.  

Its also possible to get an idea of how bad your snoring is by monitoring the situation with a special app. 

Do oral devices work for sleep apnea? 

TSDs are not a suitable option for treating sleep apnea. However, doctors often recommend mouthguards for sleep apnea OSA. 

Due to the dangers OSA can present, it would be unwise to try treating the condition with an over-the-counter device without getting advice from a doctor first.