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Best Legal Steroids: Top 8 Muscle Building Pills & Steroid Alternatives in 2022

legal steroids

* If you’re unsure if legal steroid supplements are right for you, contact your primary care provider.

(Ad) Legal steroids are natural dietary supplements that provide similar results to anabolic steroids but without the side effects. The best legal steroids can help you increase muscle growth, burn fat, improve strength, boost energy levels, and reach your fitness goals faster.

We've reviewed the best legal steroid alternatives and muscle building pills to help you find the right product for your fitness goals. Whether you’re looking for a bulking cycle or cutting cycle, the natural steroid alternatives below can help get you results faster than diet and exercise alone.

Here are our top picks for the best legal steroid alternatives for 2022.

The 8 Best Legal Steroid Alternatives That Really Work

#1 D-Bal Max: Best Legal Steroids for Muscle Growth

dbal max

Increasing muscle growth is a complex process that takes time, serious effort, and a perfectly balanced diet. If you're struggling to achieve your muscle goals on your own, D-Bal Max could give you the added nutrients you need to bulk up.

D-Bal Max is a muscle-building supplement that produces similar results to illegal steroids without the harsh side effects. Taking this supplement daily can produce results such as:

  • Increased muscle gains
  • A sculpted, ripped physique
  • Improved strength
  • Better exercise performance

The D-Bal Max creators crafted this supplement's formula to produce reliable benefits for muscle strength in three primary ways. First, these pills can increase protein synthesis throughout your body. Protein synthesis is the internal process that makes your muscles grow, and ramping up this process can allow you to achieve faster, more effective gains.

Next, D-Bal Max can decrease your serotonin levels and ramp up your muscle ATP content. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that makes you feel sleepy and fatigued, so reducing your serotonin levels helps you stay energized through challenging workouts. Meanwhile, ATP is the substance that energizes your cells, so increasing ATP can also raise your energy levels.

Finally, D-Bal Max can increase your testosterone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels. Testosterone production helps you build muscle, whereas IGF-1 promotes new muscle cell growth. Both of these hormones can boost your muscle mass and strength.

D-Bal Max contains the following natural ingredients:

  • Pro BCAA complex
  • Whey protein complex
  • 20-hydroxy ecdysterone

To see the best results, plan to take three capsules of D-Bal Max each day for at least 30 days. The effects may continue to increase in intensity during three months of use.

If you’re unsure whether D-Bal Max is right for you, take advantage of the company’s 60-day money-back guarantee. This allows you to try the supplement for 60 days and receive a full refund if you are not satisfied with your results.

Overall, D-Bal Max is the best legal steroid brand for muscle growth. We recommend this legal alternative for anyone looking to ramp up muscle growth and increase strength.

  • Best natural steroids for muscle growth
  • Natural and legal alternative to Dianabol
  • Increased protein synthesis
  • Designed to help you build lean muscle mass faster
  • Great customer reviews

Click Here for the Lowest Price on D-Bal Max

#2 Testo-Max: Best Testosterone Booster


Testo-Max is the best legal steroid for boosting healthy testosterone production. This muscle building supplement is marketed as a natural alternative to Sustanon, a popular injectable testosterone among bodybuilders.

Unlike anabolic steroids, Testo-Max doesn’t require a doctor’s prescription or needles. According to the manufacturer, these muscle building pills can show results in as little as two weeks.  

Here is what Testo-Max is designed to do:

  • Enhance energy levels
  • Faster muscle growth
  • Improve mood
  • Enhance endurance
  • Increased strength
  • Help with fat loss

This muscle growth supplement produces these benefits through its natural ingredients. Several of these in its recipe contribute to testosterone production, an essential process that slows in men as they age.

One of Testo-Max's primary testosterone boosters is D-aspartic acid, which regulates testosterone and HGH production. Consuming this ingredient can stimulate your testosterone levels, giving you more energy and aiding muscle development.

Vitamin D3, another testosterone booster in Testo-Max, can improve workout performance by increasing natural testosterone production. While many men receive vitamin D from the sun, they often do not have high enough levels to impact testosterone production. Taking a supplement like Testo-Max gives many of them the vitamin D boost they need

As a bonus, Testo-Max can also aid male sexual performance through its inclusion of Korean red ginseng extract. This extract is a natural aphrodisiac that can boost male libido and improve endurance during sex.

Additionally, Testo-Max contains bioperine, a component that boosts the bioavailability of the other ingredients in the Testo-Max formula. Essentially, adding bioperine to a supplement can make the supplement more effective and helps your body absorb the essential nutrients from the ingredients.

Testo-Max contains the following ingredients:

  • Vitamin K1
  • Fenugreek extract
  • Boron
  • Nettle leaf extract
  • Vitamin B6
  • Korean red ginseng extract
  • Zinc
  • Bioperine

Testo-Max offers a 100% money-back guarantee, giving you confidence when trying this legal steroid alternative for yourself. Additionally, when you order Testo-Max supplements, you will receive a free e-book from CrazyBulk with tips and tricks to get the most out of your muscle-building workouts.

Overall, we recommend Testo-Max for men looking to ramp up their testosterone production and achieve muscle gains like they could during their youth.

  • Best legal steroid alternative to Sustanon
  • Helps increase testosterone levels
  • Great for building muscle mass for men over 40
  • Helps reduce muscle fatigue from workouts
  • Can be used to build muscle in cutting or bulking cycles
  • Great customer reviews

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Testo-Max

#3 CrazyBulk Bulking Stack: Best Legal Steroid Stack for Bodybuilding

crazybulk bulking stack

Athletes and bodybuilders sometimes stack anabolic steroids, meaning that they take more than one steroid at a time to maximize the improvements to their strength and agility. They often combine anabolic steroids into a “bulking” stack to target muscle building from different angles.

The CrazyBulk bulking stack is a group of legal steroid alternatives that produce similar results for muscle growth as the anabolic steroids athletes take. This stack contains four CrazyBulk supplements: D-Bal, DecaDuro, Trenorol, and Testo-Max.

Taking this legal alternative to a steroid bulking stack can produce benefits such as:

  • Increased testosterone
  • Higher metabolism
  • Improved strength
  • Faster muscle growth
  • Better athletic performance

This bulking stack takes a multi-angle approach to improving strength and building lean body mass. First, Testo-Max contains natural ingredients that boost testosterone levels, giving men the energy and endurance they need to aid their weightlifting workouts.

Next, Trenorol helps your muscle tissues retain nitrogen, aiding muscle gains and speeding up fat burning. This supplement also boosts red blood cell production, which in turn provides more oxygen to your muscles and improves vascularity.

D-Bal contains potent ingredients that can increase VO2 max, improve body fat reduction, and help you sculpt lean muscles. Even better, this supplement can reduce muscle soreness and speed up tendon healing, both of which can help you get back into the gym faster after intense workouts.

Finally, DecaDuro also helps your muscle cells retain nitrogen and allows your body to build lean muscle faster. This supplement also increases collagen synthesis, a process that strengthens your ligaments and soothes joint pain.

Each of the four legal steroid pills in the bulking stack contains a unique mix of all-natural ingredients. For more information about these formulas, check out the CrazyBulk website.

To get the best results from the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack, be sure to take each supplement in the correct order. CrazyBulk recommends taking Testo-Max in the morning, Trenorol and DecaDuro before a workout, and D-Bal after a workout. Make sure to take only one dose of each supplement per day.

Overall, the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack is the best legal steroid stack for anyone looking for a robust, multi-tiered approach to putting on muscle and increasing strength.

  • Legal steroid stack including 4 natural steroid alternatives
  • Includes D-Bal, Decaduro, Trenorol, and Testo-Max
  • Great for bulking cycles
  • Supercharge your strength and muscle gains

Click Here for the Lowest Price on CrazyBulk Bulking Stack

#4 Clenbutrol: Natural Steroid Alternative for Clenbuterol


Athletes looking to build a firm, sculpted physique often attempt to burn unwanted fat to allow their lean muscles to shine through. However, burning stubborn body fat isn't always easy, even when following a good weight training routine and a healthy diet.

Clenbutrol, manufactured by a company called CrazyBulk, is a natural alternative to steroids that can help you burn fat and lose weight as part of a broader exercise routine. Taking this supplement can produce results such as:

  • Faster fat burning
  • Improved cardiovascular performance
  • A sculpted, lean body
  • Boosted metabolism

This legal steroid supplement produces similar results to the illegal anabolic steroid clenbuterol without any of the harsh side effects.

One way Clenbutrol aids fat burning is by stimulating thermogenesis, which is how your body generates heat. However, this process also aids weight loss by helping you burn more calories. When you kickstart thermogenesis, your body automatically starts burning calories to produce heat and raise your core temperature.

Clenbutrol increases your internal body temperature, which in turn raises your basal metabolic rate. As a result, your body begins burning stored fat for energy, helping you lose weight faster. Ridding your body of unwanted body fat leaves behind lean muscle, providing evidence of your workout performance.

Besides acting as a thermogenic, Clenbutrol also increases oxygen flow to your veins, boosting your cardiovascular performance. This process helps with building muscle and improves your endurance, giving you the stamina to complete more intense workouts.

Altogether, Clenbutrol contains the following ingredients:

  • Guarana extract
  • Bitter orange extract
  • Vitamin B3
  • Garcinia cambogia

To see the best results from Clenbutrol, you should plan to take this legal steroid supplement with water about 45 minutes before a workout. Be sure to take these capsules for at least two months to maximize their benefits.

We recommend Clenbutrol for athletes looking to burn excess fat to sculpt their lean muscles and overall physique.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Clenbutrol

#5. Trenorol: Legal Performance-Enhancing Supplement for Strength and Muscle Growth


Trenorol, another CrazyBulk offering, is a supplement designed to mimic the effects of Trenbolone, a steroid that increases strength and muscle growth. Like similar products from our other legal steroid alternative reviews, Trenorol doesn’t contain androgenic hormones; instead, it combines natural ingredients that help the body build muscle mass and boost athletic performance.

Like other steroid alternatives, Trenorol takes some time to show its full effects. Although users should notice results within 30 days, taking the supplement daily for two months will allow you to benefit from Trenorol’s maximum power.  

Similar to other CrazyBulk products, Trenorol offers the perks of worldwide free shipping, fast delivery across the U.S., and the option of cost-effective bulk packaging.

Trenorol’s unique formula includes the following ingredients:

  • Beta-sitosterol (600 mg): Beta-sitosterol is an immune system enhancer that helps athletes prevent infection and preserve immune function, especially with prolonged or strenuous exercise.
  • Samento (Uncaria tomentosa) bark (300 mg): This tropical woody vine native to Central and South America is a traditional plant remedy with antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-enhancing properties.
  • Nettle leaf extract (300 mg): Nettle, another traditional medicine plant, has potent anti-inflammatory qualities. In addition, some active ingredients in stinging nettle may boost the amount of active testosterone in the body.
  • Pepsin (75 mg): Pepsin, a principal protein digestion enzyme, helps break down complex proteins into shorter, easily absorbable peptides and amino acids.


Gain muscle mass: Trenorol’s added pepsin helps you absorb more of the protein you consume and channel amino acids into increasing muscle mass.

Increase strength and power: Trenorol promotes both efficient protein utilization and powerful health and anti-inflammatory effects, which helps its users enjoy higher strength and stamina.

Great as a pre-workout: Thanks to the immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties of its active ingredients, Trenorol promotes healing after strenuous workouts.

Key Features

Useful for bulking or cutting cycles: Many Trenorol users report excellent results both in building muscle and burning fat.

Stacks with other legal steroid alternatives for better results: For even more impressive results, try taking Trenorol with other supplements for athletes and bodybuilders.

Helps shred fat without losing muscle mass: Trenorol’s pepsin component makes this supplement an ideal choice for people who consume a high-protein, muscle-building diet while also following an intense fat-burning exercise regime.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Trenorol

#6. Winsol: Great Muscle Pills for Weight Loss, Stamina, and Endurance


Winsol is another popular choice on our list of the best legal steroid alternatives. This CrazyBulk product was designed to help athletes and bodybuilders boost strength, increase muscle mass, and lose body fat.

According to Winsol’s product statement, this product helps users increase muscle mass and burn fat, with results visible within 30 days of use. However, to achieve maximum effect, you should take Winsol for at least two months, combined with proper diet and exercise.

Like other products we review, Winsol is all-natural and requires no prescription. This supplement’s natural and legal formula includes:

  • Acetyl-L-carnitine (555 mg): Studies show that carnitine supplements may help improve oxygen consumption and stimulate fat burn in athletes.
  • Choline (300 mg): Choline, an essential nutrient, can enhance exercise performance and support muscle recovery.
  • Wild yam root (300 mg): Wild yam, a North American native plant, has many beneficial properties. This plant contains diosgenin, a plant steroid-like compound that may serve as a precursor to steroid hormones like testosterone.
  • DMAE (150 mg): DMAE, or dimethylaminoethanol, is a compound that increases acetylcholine production and may enhance athletic performance.
  • Safflower seed powder (126 mg): Safflower oil is a source of healthy fatty acids with anti-inflammatory and blood sugar-regulating properties.


Improved workout performance: Winsol’s natural formula makes this supplement a top choice for high-performing athletes who need muscle mass and oxygen circulation support.

Extreme strength: Many Winsol users report astonishing results in muscle-building and improved strength.

Great for cutting cycles: Winsol’s combination of carnitine and choline supports a better oxygen flow and speedier muscle recovery, which can help athletes retain muscle during cutting cycles.

Key Features

Legal alternative to Winstrol: Winstrol, or Stanozolol, is a prescription anabolic steroid banned in sports. Winsol combines natural ingredients to mimic Stanozolol’s effects of muscle growth, increasing acceleration, and speeding recovery.

Buy 2, get 1 free: A 1-month supply of Winsol will cost you $64.99 on CrazyBulk. If you buy a three-month bulk package, you only pay $129.99: three bottles for the price of two.

All-natural formula: All of Winsol’s components come from natural, trusted ingredients that create a powerful synergistic effect. The risk of side effects or allergies is minimal.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Winsol

#7 CrazyBulk Cutting Stack: Best Legal Steroid Stack for Cutting Cycles

crazybulk cutting stack

In bodybuilding, "cutting" is the process of losing excess body weight while retaining lean muscle mass. Typically, this process involves eating a diet of lean meats and whole grains and working out regularly to keep muscle mass high. However, cutting is easier for some athletes than others, leading many to use a cutting stack to aid their cutting efforts.

The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack contains four natural supplements: Clenbutrol, Anvarol, Winsol, and Testo-Max. This stack can produce benefits such as:

  • Increased metabolism
  • Reduced body fat
  • Higher energy levels
  • Improved strength and endurance
  • Higher testosterone

First, Clenbutrol kickstarts thermogenesis, the process your body uses to produce heat. Thermogenesis also raises your basal metabolic rate, allowing your body to start burning fat for energy and lose weight in the process.

Next, Anvarol improves your strength and endurance by jumpstarting phosphocreatine synthesis. This produces ATP, or the fuel your muscle cells need to contract and grow stronger. Anvarol can help you shed excess fat while avoiding water retention.

Winsol, an alternative to the anabolic steroid Winstrol, helps you reduce body fat while retaining lean muscle. Bodybuilders often take this supplement to achieve a lean, defined physique.

Finally, Testo-Max improves your body’s testosterone production, which plays a role in muscle gain and strength. This supplement can also improve endurance in the gym and the bedroom.

CrazyBulk recommends taking Testo-Max every morning, Clenbutrol before your daily workout, and Anvarol and Winsol any other time during the day. Be sure to complete an 8-week cycle to see the best results from these dietary supplements.

We recommend Cutting Stack for bodybuilders looking to retain lean muscle mass while working out to lose weight and burn fat.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on CrazyBulk Cutting Stack

#8. HGH X-2: Highly Rated Anabolic Supplement for Increasing HGH Levels

hgh x-2

HGH X-2 is a CrazyBulk supplement that claims to restore the body’s youthful levels of HGH (human growth hormone), boost HGH response, promote lean muscle growth, and support fat loss. Many HGH X-2 users attest that using this product has helped them increase strength, energy, endurance, and vitality.

HGH X-2 is effective, 100% legal, and its natural ingredients include:

  • Maca root (200 mg)
  • Mucuna pruriens seed extract (150 mg)
  • L-arginine (20 mg)
  • Hawthorne berry extract (150 mg)


Muscle gains: HGH X-2’s nutrient-dense formula improves the body’s HGH response and promotes lean muscle growth.

Fat loss: HGH X-2 boosts testosterone levels, which helps the body tap into its fat storage and convert fat into energy.

Improved recovery time: HGH X-2 contains potassium, copper, vitamin B6, and other vitamins and minerals that play a key role in energy synthesis and may help shorten recovery time between workouts.

Key Features

Legal alternative to Somatropin: Somatropin, an HGH analog, replaces naturally produced growth hormone. While Somatropin is an anabolic agent prohibited for athletes, HGH X-2 is natural and legal.

60-day money-back guarantee: Customers who aren’t satisfied with the results of using HGH X-2 may return their purchase within 60 days and receive a full refund. According to CrazyBulk, the return rate is lower than 2% since the overwhelming majority of users are happy with the supplement’s effects.

Free shipping on all orders: HGH X-2 ships for free to any location in the world, no matter what package size you order. All orders leave the warehouse within 24 hours and should arrive within 3-7 business days across the U.S. and 5-15 business days worldwide.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on HGH X-2

What Are Legal Steroid Supplements?

Legal steroids are natural supplements that promise to produce similar results to anabolic steroids without any of the harsh ingredients or adverse side effects. Plus, they’re legal.

Even though these supplements have steroids in their names, they do not contain any actual steroid drugs. Instead, their formulas include only natural ingredients that you can find in the foods you eat every day.

Legal steroids help you increase muscle gain in several ways. Some contain ingredients that boost your testosterone levels. Others energize you and improve your endurance. Many of the best legal steroids contain amino acids that help with weight loss and muscle growth in various ways.

Some legal steroid alternatives are more effective and potent than others, so it's essential to do your research before purchasing these supplements. However, utilizing the best legal steroids for your needs can provide the benefits you need to achieve your fitness goals without resorting to traditional anabolic steroids.

How We Ranked The Top Steroid-Like Supplements

The best legal steroids produce noticeable results, are safer for your health, and do not have any adverse side effects. However, many customers have difficulty discerning which natural steroid alternatives check these boxes and which could potentially harm them.

We want our readers to feel confident taking any of the muscle pills we recommend, so we performed ample research before adding any of these legal steroids to our list of the top seven. During our research, we examined the following parameters that reflect a pill’s efficacy and reliability.


According to, one of the most important factors to consider when examining the effectiveness of a legal steroid alternative is its ingredients. Without the right ingredients, legal steroid supplements will not produce reliable results for customers.

When we examined the popular legal steroid on the market, we read through each product’s ingredient list closely. We looked for effective ingredients like D-aspartic acid and other amino acids but also checked to ensure there were no filler ingredients, such as soy or artificial additives.

We also read what each legal steroid brand says about its formula, including how each ingredient benefits the overall recipe. In the end, we added to our list only the legal steroids that contain effective ingredients that contribute to a pill’s effects and have significant benefits.

Clean Label

Along with looking for legal steroids that contain effective ingredients, we also searched for legal steroid products with clean labels overall. Specifically, we looked for legal "steroids" that:

  • Contain vegan-friendly ingredients
  • Are non-GMO
  • Do not utilize proprietary formulas

We added to our list only legal steroids with clean, transparent formulas. As a result, customers can feel confident incorporating any of these legal alternatives into their daily routines.

Price and Guarantee

Price is an important aspect to consider when purchasing any legal steroid supplement or health product. Generally, you want a product’s price to be high enough that you know the ingredients are high quality while being low enough that the product does not break the bank. Unfortunately, finding a balance between these two extremes can be tricky.

We searched for legal steroids that fall into the price range of around $40 to $80 for a one-month supply. This price range is affordable for many people without being suspiciously cheap.

Discounts for Bulk Buys

Most legal steroid companies want customers to purchase more than one bottle of their supplements at a time, both to increase their sales and to help customers achieve the best results from using their products. As a result, it makes sense that the best legal steroid companies offer discounts to customers who buy in bulk.

Most of the legal steroid supplements on our list are most affordable when you purchase a three- or six-month supply, allowing customers to gain the fullest benefits from these supplements.

User Reviews

Generally, customer reviews paint an accurate picture of how effective and trustworthy a legal steroid is. If an item has primarily positive reviews, customers can use this information to predict their own experiences with the product.

Thus, we reviewed each supplement’s customer reviews carefully before adding it to our list of the best legal steroids. The legal steroid supplements on our list have mainly positive reviews, allowing customers to feel confident that they will likely have a positive experience too.

How Are Legal Steroids Better Than Anabolic Steroids?

Legal steroids and anabolic steroids are very different products. The only similarity between them is the results they produce. Otherwise, they generally have no overlapping ingredients, and many customers wonder why they should take one product over another.

The biggest reason legal steroids are superior to illegal steroids is safety. Illegal anabolic steroids can produce a wide range of adverse, serious side effects. A few common ones include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart attacks
  • Tumors
  • Testicular cancer
  • Tendon injury
  • Severe acne

Anabolic steroids are also illegal to consume or even obtain without a prescription. Athletes should use these powerful steroids only with the approval of a medical professional. Yet, often, athletes receive and use anabolic steroids illegally, resulting in various problems.

Unlike anabolic steroids, natural steroids are legal to consume without a prescription. These pills contain only natural ingredients that you can find in a health food or supplement store, and their effects are milder and more natural than those of illegal steroids.

Similarly, legal steroids typically do not produce side effects. Users who do experience side effects often have only mild symptoms, such as nausea or stomach pain. These effects are much less potent than what the average user experiences with long-term anabolic steroid use.

Finally, legal "steroids" are cheaper than illegal ones. These pills cost an average of $60 for a one-month supply, whereas anabolic steroids can cost hundreds of dollars each month.

All in all, natural alternatives to steroids provide more benefits to casual athletes than anabolic steroids do.

Are Legal Steroids Safe?

Legal "steroids" are much safer than anabolic steroids because they contain only natural ingredients and no harsh chemicals or drugs. Legal "steroids" do not require a prescription, allowing anyone to purchase them online at any time without a doctor's order.

While most users do not experience side effects from natural supplements, some customers have reported mild effects such as:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Muscle cramps

If you notice any of these side effects, be sure to consult your doctor before continuing use. In general, however, most customers can feel confident taking these supplements without having to worry about adverse effects.

Things to Consider Before Buying Legal Steroids Online

While legal steroid alternatives are more affordable than illegal steroids, they are still a significant monetary investment for athletes. If you are considering using one of these products, you should learn as much about it as you can before spending your time and money purchasing it.

Before purchasing a legal alternative to steroids, consider the following factors, as these may affect your decision.


Steroid supplements come in all different price ranges. Before purchasing one of these products, consider how your purchase will fit into your budget and how much you can afford to spend on a weight loss supplement each month. If necessary, you can narrow your search to products that fall within your budget.


Some steroid alternatives produce faster results than others. Be sure to consider your timeline before choosing a product to add to your regimen. If you need to see results by a specific day, look for a fast-acting supplement.


Steroid supplements can produce a wide range of effects. For example, some will help you reduce your body mass while retaining lean muscle. Others can help you gain weight in the form of muscle. Some target internal processes, such as blood flow, oxygen production, and ATP formation.

Before choosing a steroid supplement, make sure that it produces the effects you want.


A steroid supplement's dosage typically requires users to take several pills each day, with the most powerful legal steroids dividing their dosages across four to five tablets. If you think you may struggle to take multiple pills throughout the day, then look for a supplement with a once-daily dose.


Finally, if you have any allergies to any of the ingredients typically found in supplements, check out the recipes of the supplements you find during your search for the right legal alternative for your needs.

Who Should Buy Legal Steroids?

Anyone looking for a way to boost their natural weight loss or muscle-sculpting efforts can benefit from trying one of the legal steroids for sale on our list. Because these supplements are generally considered safe for most users and produce minimal to no side effects, the average customer can feel confident utilizing these products to aid their fitness goals.

*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice nor to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, and may or may not be peer reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using a natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.