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Best Legal Steroids of 2022: Top 7 Natural Steroid Alternatives for Bodybuilding

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* Please consult your primary care provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

(Ad) If you’re looking for a natural alternative to anabolic steroids, there are a variety of steroid-like supplements on the market. Legal steroid alternatives are natural anabolic supplements that contain natural ingredients and offer benefits similar to those of anabolic steroids, but without many of the same risks.

The best legal steroid alternatives can help you build muscle faster, boost protein synthesis, burn fat, and increase testosterone levels. Many legal steroid supplements can also help with muscle recovery and energy levels.

However, with so many legal steroid alternatives on the market, choosing the right product for your needs can feel like a difficult task. To help you decide, we’ve reviewed some of the best legal steroid alternatives on the market. Each legal steroid alternative listed below was evaluated on a variety of factors such as ingredients, price, effectiveness, reviews, and guarantee.

The 7 Best Legal Steroid Alternatives for Muscle Growth in 2022

  • DBULK (Dianabol alternative): Best legal steroids for muscle growth
  • SBULK (Sustanon alternative): Best for increasing testosterone
  • CrazyBulk Bulking Stack: Best muscle building stack
  • CCUT (Clenbuterol alternative): Best for cutting fat
  • CrazyBulk Cutting Stack: Best fat loss stack
  • WINCUT (Winstrol alternative): Best for women
  • HBULK (Somatropin alternative): Best alternative to HGH injections

#1. DBULK (Dianabol Alternative): Best Natural Steroid Substitute Overall


DBULK is our choice for the best legal steroid supplement on the market in 2022.

DBULK is the Dianabol alternative from Brutal Force. This manufacturer has an extensive list of supplements, including several natural steroid alternatives, and manufactures all its products in GMP-certified facilities.

According to the manufacturer, DBULK can help you with the following:

  • Push more weight
  • Build muscle fast
  • Develop lean muscle without fat gain
  • Quickly increase testosterone levels
  • Recover faster

DBULK is different from other supplements because it contains several ingredients that support recovery. These ingredients help reduce muscle soreness and speed up bone and tendon healing, letting you hit the gym harder and more often. Combined with several testosterone-boosting ingredients, DBULK offers fast muscle gains for strength and bulk.

Formula Overview

DBULK works by combining several natural ingredients into a steroid alternative that mimics the effects of Dianabol.

Notable ingredients include:

Ashwagandha Extract: This extract is derived from a well-known and popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha is primarily used as an adaptogen, which helps your body deal with mental and physical stress. Some scientific studies have also found that ashwagandha extract can increase testosterone concentration, particularly in young, active men.

L-leucine: This amino acid is one of the three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) responsible for muscle tissue maintenance. Several studies show the effectiveness of BCAA supplementation in training recovery. Unlike most amino acids, L-leucine is an essential amino acid, which means that your body can't produce it, and you need to get it from your diet.

Methylsulfonylmethane: Commonly known as MSM, this dietary supplement occurs naturally in humans, plants, and animals. The compound provides numerous benefits. Preliminary studies in mice show that it may help to protect your joints and a small study in young men showed that it can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation after exercise. This protection lets you work out harder and recover faster, promoting muscle growth and boosting your fat loss potential.

Other ingredients include:

  • Vitamin D3
  • Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris)
  • Sodium Hyaluronate
  • Suma Extract

How to Take It

The manufacturer recommends taking three capsules of DBULK daily, 20 minutes before your first meal. You should use this supplement every day, regardless of your workout schedule.

To get the best results possible, you should combine DBULK supplementation with a suitable diet and exercise program and use it for at least two months.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on DBULK

#2. SBULK (Sustanon Alternative): Best for Boosting Testosterone Levels


SBULK is another product from Brutal Force and is a natural and legal alternative to the anabolic steroid Sustanon.

The main purpose of SBULK is to increase testosterone production. As men get older, their testosterone production drops, and they start to experience symptoms of testosterone deficiency. These symptoms can include low energy levels, loss of muscle mass, and weight gain.

SBULK restores your body's natural testosterone production, allowing you to reap the health benefits of normal testosterone levels, all while feeling like you're in your prime. According to the manufacturer, SBULK can help you:

  • Build lean muscle mass
  • Develop stronger bones
  • Experience sharper thinking
  • Enjoy a higher sex drive
  • Lose fat more easily

Formula Overview

SBULK uses a specially developed formula that takes advantage of the testosterone-boosting properties of several ingredients. These 11 compounds work together to produce better results than simply supplementing with an individual ingredient. Not only do the components boost your testosterone levels, but they also speed up recovery and help you stay mentally focused throughout the day.

Notable ingredients include:

D-aspartic Acid: This amino acid regulates testosterone production by triggering the synthesis of luteinizing hormone in Leydig cells. This higher concentration of luteinizing hormone promotes an added release of testosterone, resulting in higher blood testosterone levels.

Korean Red Ginseng: Also known as Panax ginseng, this extract offers several health benefits, which may include increased nitric oxide production, which increases blood flow to muscle tissue to increase muscle mass and improve performance.

Fenugreek: Often used in alternative medicine, fenugreek seeds can promote strength and muscle gain through increased serum testosterone levels. The plant also helps your body burn fat and increases your body's anabolic metabolism and protein synthesis, making it the perfect ingredient for a legal steroid.

The SBULK supplement also contains several other supporting ingredients that increase energy levels and promote overall health to help you achieve the muscle gains you want. These ingredients include:

  • Vitamin K1
  • Bioperine
  • Boron Citrate
  • Magnesium
  • Nettle Leaf Extract
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin D3
  • Zinc

How to Take It

According to the manufacturer, you should take three capsules of SBULK daily with water, 20 minutes before your first meal. The label advises that you take the supplement daily on both workout and non-workout days and combine it with a proper diet and exercise program.

You can expect clear results from this legal steroid within two months of regular use. The manufacturer recommends trying the supplement for 100 days before deciding if it's right for you. It even offers a 100-day money-back guarantee.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on SBULK

#3. CrazyBulk Bulking Stack: Best Muscle Growth Stack

crazybulk bulking stack

CrazyBulk Bulking Stack is our top choice for the best muscle building stack.

A stack lets you take advantage of several legal steroids for muscle growth at once. In most cases, a legal steroid stack will contain several products, each aimed at one aspect of your bulk: building muscle mass, increasing strength, promoting recovery, or improving your T levels.

The CrazyBulk Bulking Stack contains four well known legal steroids from the same manufacturer. CrazyBulk has a reputation in the supplement industry for producing high quality, reliable dietary supplements, and the Bulking Stack is packed with its flagship products.

According to the manufacturer, the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack is the ultimate stack for muscle gain. Not only do the legal steroid alternatives in the stack help with putting on muscle mass, but they also promote faster recovery and ensure that you build superior strength, which will let you train even harder and put on more muscle mass. The supplements in the stack also come packed with amino acids for enhanced protein synthesis, ensuring that you get sustainable results during your eight-week cycle.

The claimed benefits of the Bulking Stack include:

  • Enabling you to smash through every workout with hulk-like ferocity
  • Building hardcore muscle mass
  • Developing superior strength

Formula Overview

Each Bulking Stack contains four of CrazyBulk's premium products, including:

  • D-Bal: A Dianabol replacement for rapid muscle growth and improved fat-burning potential.
  • Testo-Max: A Sustanon alternative that ensures you recover faster and have the energy you need.
  • DecaDuro: A Deca-Durabolin replacement that increases endurance and takes your workouts to the next level.
  • Trenorol: A Trenbolone alternative that promotes overall conditioning and increased power and strength.

How to Take It

Taking a legal steroid stack is slightly more complicated than taking a single supplement. According to the manufacturer, a Bulking Stack will last four weeks, and the company recommends completing an eight-week cycle before re-evaluating your goals.

The stack starts with Testo-Max every morning before breakfast to kickstart your testosterone levels. You then take Trenorol and DecaDuro directly before your workout for optimal energy and endurance, and you finish off with D-Bal after your workout to get the most from your gym time.

CrazyBulk also provides a bulking guide with every stack to ensure that you take advantage of the muscle-building potential of the cycle. You can expect rapid results within 30 days if you follow the bulking guide and keep your nutrition and workouts on point.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on CrazyBulk Bulking Stack

#4. CCUT (Clenbuterol Alternative): Best Legal Steroid Supplement for Cutting Fat


Clenbuterol, a substance with steroid-like effects, is one of the most powerful fat burners, but it is not legal in the U.S. for human use because it also often comes with severe side effects, including heart palpitations, anxiety, lowered blood potassium levels, and an increased heart rate.

CCUT is one of the top natural steroid alternatives to Clenbuterol, helping to burn fat, maintain muscle growth, and keep you energized throughout your cut. However, it should only be taken after checking with a doctor, and should never be taken with caffeine, because it contains bitter orange extract, which is also a stimulant.

According to Brutal Force, the manufacturer of CCUT, for those individuals who can take it, this legal steroid alternative is the only cutting supplement you need, and it works well for both men and women. The supplement works by increasing your body's core temperature through a process known as thermogenesis, which raises your basal metabolic rate. The result is faster fat burning and more energy without added energy expenditure.

Some of the benefits of using CCUT, according to the manufacturer, may include:

  • Rapid fat loss
  • Extreme energy
  • Preserved lean muscle mass
  • Appetite suppression
  • More calories burned even at rest

Formula Overview

CCUT works by tackling weight loss from two directions: (1) increasing how much fat you burn while also (2) inhibiting how many calories you consume. By combining thermogenic and appetite-suppressing ingredients, CCUT ensures that you have the energy and willpower to stick to your cut and get the best results possible.

The three main ingredients in CCUT include:

Garcinia Cambogia Extract: This popular extract contains high amounts of hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which may enhance weight loss by blocking fat production and accumulation and suppressing appetite.

Guarana Extract: This extract is a common ingredient in energy drinks because it contains several stimulants, including caffeine, making it incredibly effective as a fatigue buster. It also contains antioxidants and catechins, which boost weight loss by increasing your basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Bitter Orange Extract: This controversial extract contains synephrine, a close analog to ephedrine. While ephedrine — and synephrine — are effective weight loss compounds, they also produce severe side effects, including high blood pressure and anxiety in some individuals. While the FDA hasn't banned bitter orange extract, the fact that it has banned similar compounds should be a cause for caution when using supplements containing this extract.

Supporting ingredients include Griffonia extract and Vitamin B3.

How to Take It

Brutal Force recommends taking three capsules of CCUT with water 20 minutes before your first meal. The company also recommends using the supplement on workout and non-workout days and following a healthy diet and exercise plan for best results.

Warning: since CCUT contains a compound that raises blood pressure and heart rate, it may be more beneficial to take CCUT on non-workout days. Please speak with your healthcare professional before starting this supplement.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on CCUT

#5. CrazyBulk Cutting Stack: Best for Cutting Cycles

crazybulk cutting stack

Many people find cutting much harder than bulking. Not only do you still have to work hard at the gym, but you also need to maintain a strict diet and fight through the brain fog often associated with a large caloric deficit. And if you push the cut too far, you risk losing the muscle development you worked so hard for during your bulk.

Using a cutting stack can let you reap the benefits of several supplements at once. Instead of choosing between burning fat and maintaining muscle, you can combine supplements and get the best of both. Just like a bulking stack, a cutting stack combines several legal steroid alternatives to help you gain the full benefit of your cut.

CrazyBulk's Cutting Stack combines the company's four flagship cutting products for maximum potential. According to the manufacturer, using the Cutting Stack can offer the following benefits:

  • Supports your energy and strength levels throughout the cut
  • Torches body fat while preserving lean muscle mass
  • Produces lean, dry gains fast

Formula Overview

Each Cutting Stack contains four supplements that work synergistically to produce better results than any one ingredient does alone. The stack includes:

Anvarol: An Anavar alternative that supports rapid fat loss while boosting energy levels and helping you retain your hard-earned lean muscles.

Testo-Max: A Sustanon alternative that acts as a testosterone booster and reduces recovery time, enhances performance, and helps maintain your strength and intensity in the gym.

Winsol: A Winstrol alternative that boosts your metabolism, ensuring that your body burns fat faster to sculpt the perfect physique.

Clenbutrol: A Clenbuterol alternative that provides powerful fat-burning capability while retaining lean muscle. It also improves performance, allowing you to carry on working hard and putting on lean muscle during your cut.

How to take it

CrazyBulk provides a cutting guide with every Cutting Stack, which outlines the optimal way to use the stack to its full potential. In addition to expert advice about dosage and routine, the guide contains nutritional information to keep your diet on point and your weight loss on track.

According to the guide, you should start by taking three Clenbutrol capsules before every workout to get the energy you need to complete your session.

The instructions tell you to take three capsules of Anvarol with water 45 minutes after your workout or in the morning on your off days. Similarly, you would take three capsules of Winsol per day, preferably 45 minutes before your workout.

Finally, the label advises that you take four Testo-Max capsules every morning to maintain your testosterone levels, ensuring you don't lose your muscle mass.

Each stack lasts four weeks, but CrazyBulk recommends buying two stacks and cutting for eight weeks before reevaluating your goals and moving on to your next cycle.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on CrazyBulk Cutting Stack

#6. WINCUT (Winstrol Alternative): Best Steroid-Like Supplement for Women


Not all illegal steroids are for muscle gain. Most athletes cycle between bulking and cutting — bulking for putting on as much mass as possible and cutting for trimming down body fat to show off your incredible muscle gains.

As with bulking options, you can find fat-burning natural steroid substitutes that make the cutting process more effective and less painful.

WINCUT is a cutting steroid alternative from Brutal Force, which aims to replicate the fat-burning effects of Winstrol. According to the manufacturer, this supplement will ensure that you maintain muscle mass while burning body fat and increasing stamina for sustainable high-intensity workouts.

Brutal Force claims that using WINCUT will offer the following benefits:

  • Boosted metabolism
  • Faster fat burning
  • Improved stamina

Formula Overview

WINCUT takes advantage of the thermogenic and fat-burning effects of natural ingredients to accelerate your cut and stay focused throughout the process. The most important ingredients in this steroid alternative include:

Acetyl-L-carnitine HCL: This compound is a more bioavailable form of the amino acid carnitine, which your body naturally produces and which is involved in many different biological processes. When combined with acetyl-l-carnitine, L-carnitine canimprove mitochondrial function, helping to reduce fatigue and stay alert.

DMAE Bitartrate: Dimethylethanolamine, or DMAE, has gotten much attention as a nootropic that protects brain function, improves memory, and helps you cope with the mental and physical stress associated with a cut.

Choline Bitartrate: This compound is the precursor to a vital neurotransmitter: acetylcholine. While you can get enough of it from your diet, long periods of intense exercise can reduce your choline levels, leading to feelings of fatigue and brain fog. Supplementation can alleviate these symptoms and let you sustain your workouts for longer.

Supporting ingredients include:

  • Wild yam powder
  • Safflower oil

How to Take It

The manufacturer recommends taking two capsules of WINCUT with water approximately 45 minutes before your workout. You only need to take the legal steroid alternative on workout days, but you will get the best results if you combine it with a suitable diet and comprehensive exercise program.

While WINCUT uses a fast-acting formula, you may need to use the supplement for a minimum of two months to see your desired fat loss.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on WINCUT

#7. HBULK (Somatropin Alternative): Best for Muscle Mass and Strength


Most anabolic supplements work by increasing your free testosterone levels. But many bodybuilders and athletes have incorporated human growth hormone (HGH) into their cycle due to its excellent muscle-building potential.

However, as with other illegal steroids, unregulated HGH usage has severe side effects, including the infamous "bodybuilder gut." Using natural steroid alternatives can help reduce the possibility of side effects while still providing similar benefits.

HBULK is a legal steroid alternative to Somatropin that claims to provide the muscle-boosting power of the illegal option but without many of the same harsh side effects.

According to Brutal Force, using HBULK helps provide the following benefits:

  • Huge muscle gains
  • Ripped physique
  • Increased nitric oxide production
  • Faster muscle recovery

Formula Overview

HBULK uses a combination of natural ingredients to mimic the effects of Somatropin. It promotes your body's natural HGH production, which is presumed to build muscle and burn fat without the risks and drawbacks of the original.

The main ingredients in HBULK include:

Maca: Maca root, also known as Peruvian ginseng, is a well-known medicinal herb and food source. Studies show that maca may combat infertility andincrease testosterone levels in a method similar to that of D-aspartic acid by releasing luteinizing hormone and stimulating Leydig cells to secrete testosterone.

L-Arginine: This non-essential amino acid forms an important part of thenitric oxide pathway that controls circulation and blood flow. It can also stimulate the pituitary gland, which releases HGH. Some studies even show that L-arginine supplementation improvesanaerobic performance, like weight training.

Hawthorne Berry: This extract contains large amounts of antioxidants that may help reduce the symptoms of muscle pain and speed up recovery.

The supplement also includes a small amount of Mucuna pruriens as a supporting ingredient.

How to Take It

According to Brutal Force, the best way to use HBULK is to take one capsule with water 20 minutes before your first meal. The manufacturer recommends taking the supplement daily, both on workout and non-workout days, while maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on HBULK

What Are Legal Steroid Supplements, and How Do They Work?

So-called legal steroid alternatives (which are not really steroids but steroid substitutes) are natural supplements that mimic the effects of illegal anabolic steroids without many of the negative effects. The best legal steroid alternatives combine several natural ingredients that can help you increase muscle mass, speed up recovery, and maintain focus during your workouts.

Most anabolic steroids work by directly providing testosterone or testosterone precursors to the bloodstream, increasing protein synthesis and making it easier to build muscle mass. However, this excess testosterone often wreaks havoc on the body by putting many processes into overdrive, leading to side effects such as liver failure, gynecomastia, baldness, and eventually, a decrease in natural testosterone synthesis.

Legal alternatives are trusted because they focus on increasing your body's natural production, which allows your body to keep your T levels in balance. Most of the best legal steroids work by using natural ingredients that may boost testosterone synthesis, such as D-aspartic acid, fenugreek extract, and nettle leaf extract. Some manufacturers also add other ingredients that support recovery or boost energy levels and that address one of the biggest challenges in building muscle—fatigue.

While admittedly, you won't get the same gains that you would from anabolic steroids, legal steroid alternatives can still boost muscle growth and increase energy levels without causing long-term health concerns.

How We Ranked the Best Legal Steroid Supplements

As with any other dietary supplement, diligent research is important when looking for a natural alternative to traditional steroids. It's easy for manufacturers to make bold claims about their products being identical to anabolic steroids, but many will lack the evidence to back up their claims.

During our search for the best legal steroid alternatives, we evaluated most of the major products on the market today. We used the same criteria for each product to find products that have relevant benefits, trusted ingredients, and evidence showing their effectiveness.


The best legal steroid alternatives are the ones that are laser-focused on improving gym performance and enhancing muscle growth. We mainly looked for supplements that promote testosterone synthesis, allowing users to gain muscle mass rapidly while also having the energy necessary to continually increase their workout intensity. Some newer legal steroid alternatives combine the effects of both testosterone and HGH for even faster, more visible results.

When it comes to natural steroid alternatives focused on cutting, we looked for products with fat-burning and muscle-preserving compounds. Many of the best legal steroid alternative pills also had focus-boosting ingredients to help combat the effects of an extended calorie deficit essential for cutting.

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Ingredients and dosage

Legal steroid supplements should contain ingredients with at least some scientific backing regarding their effectiveness. Ideally, ingredients would have studies published in the most respected medical journals, such as The New England Journal of Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine, The Lancet, and The Journal of the American Medical Association.

Unfortunately, medical research on many ingredients found in steroid alternatives is in the preliminary stages. You may find small-scale studies showing that an ingredient is effective, but it's also easy to find contradictory evidence saying that the ingredient doesn't work at all.

That's why it's important to be skeptical about claims of "clinically proven" legal steroid alternatives—while their ingredients have some scientific backing, only more research will reveal the true effectiveness of many natural ingredients.

Another important aspect to consider, when looking for the best legal steroid alternative, is dosage. Some unscrupulous manufacturers may include effective ingredients, but at concentrations where they don't do anything useful. A good way to see if a dosage is effective is to check the scientific literature. If most successful studies use a specific dosage, then your steroid alternative should contain approximately the same amount of that natural ingredient.

While most natural ingredients are on the FDA's Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list, you should also be careful not to take too much of a particular ingredient. This is particularly a risk with a legal steroid alternative stack, which will contain several products that you take simultaneously. If all the products contain the same ingredients, you may consume too much, resulting in potential side effects.

That's why the best legal steroid alternative stack will contain products that each do different things—increase muscle growth, promote better mood, support higher energy levels—to help you get the desired results.

User reviews

Customer reviews are an excellent way to see how a natural steroid alternative functions in the real world.

We always recommend treating customer reviews as a trend indicator, which means looking at the overall picture rather than focusing on particularly highly positive or highly negative reviews. Instead, we looked at what most people thought of a particular product, taking special note of any potential side effects and how effective the users thought the product was in helping build muscle and achieving their goals.

Customer reviews are also great for picking up potential hassles, such as inconvenient dosage schedules or unpleasant taste, which might affect your final user experience.

Price and guarantee

The best legal steroid alternative will never be the cheapest bottle on the shelf. Reputable manufacturers such as Crazy Bulk and Brutal Force use high quality ingredients at appropriate dosages and maintain GMP-certified facilities. Producing a consistent, natural, and legal alternative to anabolic steroids requires a lot of research and effort, which the price will reflect.

However, we also recommend looking for products that come with a money-back guarantee. Not only does this show that the company believes in its products, but it also protects you in case the supplement doesn't work for you. All the steroid alternatives we've covered have a 60- or 100-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try the supplement before you officially purchase it!

Overview of the Most Popular (But Illegal) Anabolic Steroids

Understanding how common anabolic steroids work can also help you understand how their legal steroid alternative works.

Anabolic steroids have a relatively bad reputation, but there are several genuine medical uses for them, such as treating testosterone deficiency or osteoporosis. Thanks to their muscle-building properties, many of these steroids are prone to abuse, particularly in athletic and bodybuilding circles, leading to a host of severe side effects that can have life-long and life-altering consequences.


Trenbolone, or "tren", is one of the most popular anabolic steroids on the market today, despite never being approved for human use. It facilitates the formation of new muscle fibers, resulting in fast, permanent muscle growth.

Common side effects of trenbolone include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Hair loss
  • Low sex drive
  • Severe, chronic cough
  • Gynecomastia


Dianabol became popular in the 1970s because it made building muscle easier for athletes and bodybuilders. While the drug doesn't significantly increase strength, it does improve blood flow to muscles and increases the amount of fluid between muscle fibers, leading to mass gain.

Common side effects include:

  • Water retention
  • Insomnia
  • Infertility
  • Hair loss
  • Depression


Winstrol is a synthetic drug that mimics the effect of excess testosterone, leading to muscle preservation. Most bodybuilders use Winstrol during their cutting cycle to maintain muscle during a caloric deficit.

Common side effects include:

  • Changes in skin color
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Acne
  • Insomnia
  • Changes in libido


Sustanon is still available in the U.S. as a prescription drug, most often used to treat low T-levels. As a testosterone booster, Sustanon is incredibly popular as a way to boost protein synthesis and muscle growth.

As with all anabolic steroids, Sustanon misuse will result in severe side effects, including:

  • Hair loss
  • Acne
  • Changes in libido
  • A higher risk of prostate cancer
  • Muscle pain


Deca-Durabolin is still available as a prescription drug, mostly used in preventing osteoporosis in menopausal women. However, the drug also increases muscle growth, making it a popular option with bodybuilders and athletes.

Side effects include:

  • Increased risk of liver cancer
  • Erectile dysfunction in men
  • Stroke
  • Gynecomastia
  • Acne
  • Heart failure


Unlike most of the other popular bodybuilding compounds, clenbuterol isn't an anabolic steroid that promotes muscle growth. Instead, it's a potent stimulant that increases basal metabolic rate, making it ideal for cutting if it were legal and not so dangerous. However, while it's very effective as a fat burner, it often causes side effects such as:

  • Insomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Heart palpitations
  • Jitteriness

Why Are Natural Steroid Alternatives Better Than Anabolic Steroids?

Many gym goers and athletes have moved toward using natural supplements containing natural ingredients that the FDA generally approves, even though even the best and most accessible legal steroid alternatives won't produce the same effect as anabolic steroids.

Many bodybuilders view the choice between any anabolic steroid and its legal alternative as a trade-off between effectiveness and quality. While you may get amazing gains, are illegal steroids really worth the risk? The best legal steroid alternative stack can still give you an edge in the gym without the risk or dangers of dealing with illegal substances.

Frequently Asked Questions on Legal Steroid Substitutes

Where can I buy legal steroids?

Purchasing legal steroids online has never been easier, with manufacturers having their own dedicated online stores. Most offer free global shipping, so once you find the legal steroid alternative you want to try, checking it out is as simple as placing an online order.

How much do legal steroid supplements cost?

Costs vary between manufacturers, but you can expect the best legal steroid supplement to cost from $50 to $70 per month. The good news is that many companies offer bulk buy discounts that drastically reduce the price, especially when combined with free shipping.

Can you find legal steroids for sale at GNC?

No, you can only find the preferred steroid alternatives we've reviewed here online on the manufacturers' websites.

What is the best natural steroid for cutting?

We like WINCUT for cutting, as it tackles cutting from several angles. Not only is it a thermogenic booster, but it also contains ingredients that maintain your existing muscle growth and boost your energy. One of the biggest dangers of any weight loss cycle is losing your hard-earned muscle due to a heavy caloric deficit, so protecting your gains is essential to any serious cut.

How can I save money when buying muscle growth pills?

After you've found the best legal steroid for your needs, we recommend taking advantage of multi-buy discounts. These can save you up to 50% off the monthly price of your supplement, and the longer you take it, the better the results. If you want to stack several steroid alternatives, look for package deals, like CrazyBulk's stacks that also offer hefty discounts compared to its individual pricing.

How long does it take for muscle-building pills to work?

Legal steroid alternatives take between two to six months to produce visible results. Every person is different, and what may work for others may not be the right option for you, which is why we recommend shopping around until you find a product that gives you the results you want. Results may also vary depending on your diet and exercise routine.

We recommend sticking with legal steroid alternatives for three months, especially as many of the best legal steroid alternatives come with a 100-day money-back guarantee.

Are legal steroid alternatives safe to take?

The best legal steroids are trusted over traditional anabolic steroids. Since they gently promote testosterone synthesis and contain natural ingredients, they are less likely to produce the harsh reactions associated with their illegal counterparts.

However, we always recommend speaking to a physician before starting your foray into legal steroid alternatives. Some products may contain ingredients that interact with certain medications, and others may cause side effects in vulnerable individuals. Your doctor can help you make an informed decision on whether legal steroid alternatives are the right move for your body.

Final Thoughts

Finding the best legal steroids can be almost as challenging as tackling leg day at the end of a tough week. With dozens of legal steroid alternatives on the market, finding the one that works for you can take time, patience, and a willingness to research.

We've evaluated most of the products on the market and scoured ingredients lists and customer reviews to find the products that actually live up to their claims. Our list of the best legal steroids is a great place to start if you're looking for a trusted, natural boost to your gym performance. 

*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice nor to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, and may or may not be peer reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using a natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.