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Best Mass Gainer: +14lbs. In 30 Days! Here's What Works..

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*Please consult with your doctor before using any mass gainer shakes.

(Ad) For the past year, I’ve been trying out some high-calorie mass gainers to try to bulk up and gain some muscle.

Most of them tasted disgusting and didn’t really do anything.

But recently I tried a product that’s delicious and helped me gain almost 14 lbs. in just one month.

It’s called ‘Mass Gainer’ by Crazy Nutrition, and it comes in 2 flavors: chocolate or vanilla.

So if you want to try to pack on some size and muscle, then carry on reading to find out why I think Mass Gainer is the best mass gainer supplement you can buy right now.

What Is Mass Gainer by Crazy Nutrition?

It’s no secret that when it comes to bulking up and building muscle, you need to lift heavy and eat more calories.

That’s Bodybuilding 101.

But eating all those extra calories can be tough, especially if you’re trying to limit your junk food.

Not to mention the time it takes to prepare all the extra food.

And that’s where mass gainer supplements come into the equation.

They take the guesswork out of what to eat and provide a tasty, easy to prepare, high-calorie meal that you can shake up and drink in just a few minutes.

Providing you all the extra calories you need to bulk up and pack on some serious muscle.

After trying pretty much all the most popular products on the market, I’d say that ‘Mass Gainer’ by Crazy Nutrition is without a doubt the best mass gainer you can buy right now.

To find out how it works, let’s look at the ingredients.

Mass Gainer Ingredients: What’s Inside?

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First of all, Mass Gainer contains a 2:1 carb to protein ratio.

Most pros agree that a 2:1 ratio is the sweet spot for gaining muscle, because it’s created to help top up muscle glycogen, keep you anabolic, and provide plenty of protein for your muscles to grow.

The Mass Gainer label says that one 200g serving mixed with water contains:

  • 695 calories
  • 100g carbs
  • 51g protein
  • 8.8g fat

Amazingly, a single serving contains 695 calories!

I also like that it contains some healthy fats, which may be essential for hormones and health.

After wasting money on other mass gainers in the past, I decided to take a closer look at the ingredients and was surprised to find some impressive studies backing them up.

Here’s what I found:

  • Gluten-Free Oat Flour: The main ingredient (by weight) in Mass Gainer is gluten-free oat flour, which is a by-product resulting from commercial production of oat bran. According to this study, oat flour is a great source of dietary fiber with high bioavailability that shouldn’t affect insulin sensitivity. Oat flour is also high in protein.
  • Carb10: Carb10 is the latest development in carbohydrate supplementation. It’s derived from pea starch and provides a healthy, low-glycemic source of carbohydrates.
  • Whey Protein Blend (Isolate and Concentrate): This 8-week study found that test subjects who took whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate made huge upper-body strength gains of 5.1% and 6.7% respectively. Mass Gain contains both types of whey protein for maximum muscle gains.
  • Creatine Monohydrate: This study found that a group of bodybuilders who took creatine monohydrate (CM) post-workout packed on an astonishing 2kg of lean muscle in just 6 weeks. Mass Gainer contains 6g of creatine monohydrate per serving.
  • ASTRAGIN: This proprietary blend contains astragalus membranaceus and panax notoginseng, two powerful root extracts that have been proven to stimulate fat burning and increase AMP-activated protein kinase.
  • SENACTIN: This blend contains panax notoginseng and rosa roxburghii, a fruit extract with proven antioxidant properties.

Instead of just adding sugar, they’ve added Carb10 for a healthy source of carbs.

And they provide multiple sources of fast- and slow-digesting proteins to help your muscles repair and grow during your post-workout anabolic window.

I was so impressed with the ingredients that I decided to buy some for myself to see if it really is the best mass gainer supplement on the market or not.

Is Mass Gainer by Crazy Nutrition Really the Best Mass Gainer?

I have a fast metabolism and find it hard to gain weight, which is why I’ve been trying out mass gainers for more than a year now.

So far, I’ve tried about 10 of the market’s best-sellers, and I’ve not finished a single one because they all tasted disgusting, made me gassy, or just didn’t seem to do anything.

But I had a good experience with Crazy Nutrition’s pre-workout supplement, so when they came out with their new mass gainer, I really wanted to give it a try.

You can choose between chocolate or vanilla flavor. I decided to buy one of each, and they arrived within a couple days.

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Considering that my goal was to gain some size and muscle, I decided to eat my regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and have the Mass Gainer shakes post-workout.

This put me in a 600-calorie surplus on my training days.

Here’s what happened when I used Mass Gainer for 30 days:

First, I found that it mixes very easily and doesn’t leave any clumps or powdery residue.

Crazy Nutrition suggests using 450–500ml of water, but I found that 400ml gave a nice thick and creamy consistency.

As for the taste, I found both the chocolate and vanilla to be delicious. Much nicer than the other mass gainers I tried in the past.

They’re not too sweet, but they have a very rich flavor.

If you want to add even more calories, you can use milk instead of water, and it will taste even more delicious and creamy. Just like a real milkshake!

The first time I used Mass Gainer was after a heavy chest workout.

It made for a tasty and refreshing post-workout drink that satisfied my sweet tooth and kept me full until dinnertime.

After drinking Mass Gainer, here’s what I noticed:

  • For me, chest days are absolute killers, and my pecs are usually sore afterwards. But after drinking Mass Gainer, I felt energized, and I didn’t feel sore at all the next day.
  • After a few days of drinking the Mass Gainer shakes, I noticed I had much more energy, and all my usual aches had gone. It felt like I was fully recovering from my workouts.
  • Within a week, I could feel my strength increasing, and I smashed a few personal bests on the deadlift, bench press, and squats. My max rep pull-ups even went from 7 to 12.
  • By the end of the first week, I had gained just over 4lbs. My girlfriend even grabbed my arm and said, “Wow, these shakes are really working. Your arms feel huge!”

How much weight did Mass Gainer help me gain?

When I started, I was a lean 148.4 lbs., and after 30-days, I weighed in at 162.2 lbs.

So, in total I gained around 14lbs. thanks to Crazy Nutrition’s Mass Gainer, or around 3.5lbs. per week.

After a month, I’m still quite lean, but a lot more muscular, so a lot of the weight I gained was pure muscle.

Here’s Why I Think “Mass Gainer” Is the Best Mass Gainer You Can Buy Right Now

After using it for 30 days weeks, I’m blown away by the taste, quality, and my results.

The 2:1 carb to protein ratio and high calorie count is perfect for gaining some serious muscle and mass.

I like that the Carb10 formula provides a healthy dose of carbohydrates to refuel your muscle glycogen.

And the whey protein blend provides fast- and slow-digesting proteins to help your muscles repair and grow after a tough workout.

I think it’s the best mass gainer for sale right now because it:

  • Tastes great
  • Helps Boosts your energy and recovery
  • Has a science-backed formula to help you gain size and muscle fast

All I did was consume a serving post-workout, and it helped me gain 14lbs. in 30-days

I even looked forward to drinking it after my workouts because it tastes so good.

And it comes with a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. So if you don’t gain some crazy muscle and mass, then just ask for your money back.

Click here to visit the official Mass Gainer website and learn more about what it will do for you!

I really do think this is the best mass gainer you can buy right now, and I hope you like it as much as I do.

Everyone’s body is different, so I’d always recommend speaking to a health care professional before starting any new supplement or shake. Good luck!

*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice nor to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, and may or may not be peer reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using a natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.