
Best Nootropic Supplements: Top 5 Brain Booster Pills for Memory and Focus 2022

smart drugs

* Please consult your primary care provider before starting any new supplement, to ensure if they are right for you. 

(Ad) Have you been experiencing burnout, brain fog, or mental fatigue? The daily stresses of modern life can take their toll on even the most resilient individuals. Nootropics, or smart drugs, are natural supplements that aim to improve brain function.

The best nootropics can boost brain function by increasing focus, energy, memory retention, motivation, creativity, mental clarity, and mood. Some nootropics also aim to alleviate anxiety and depression and protect brain cells from cognitive decline.

As with most supplement markets, the nootropic market has many beneficial supplements to boost healthy brain function. Unfortunately, it also has many scams and shady products that won't do anything except lighten your wallet. Finding the right nootropic supplement can be a challenge, especially if you're unsure what you need.

To help you decide, we’ve evaluated the best nootropics and brain supplements on the market. We evaluated each brain supplement on a variety of factors such as ingredients, dosage, user reviews, price, and effectiveness.

If you’re looking to optimize your brain function and perform at your best, here are the best nootropics to try in 2022.

The 5 Best Nootropic Supplements for Improved Brain Function

Honorable Mentions: Alpha Brain, Centra Peak, Elm and Rye, Bright Brain, Qualia Mind, Synapse XT, Optimind. 

#1. Mind Lab Pro: Best Nootropic Stack Overall

mind lab pro

Manufactured by Opti-Nutra, Mind Lab Pro is a nootropic dietary supplement that claims to target all aspects of brain health for maximum results. It uses a specialized blend of 11 natural ingredients to provide universal nootropic benefits without stimulants such as caffeine to amplify its impact.

According to the manufacturer, Mind Lab Pro starts working within 30 minutes to deliver:

  • Increased alertness
  • Sharper focus
  • Better recall and verbal fluidity
  • Extended concentration times
  • Greater clarity and speed of thought
  • Improved mental agility
  • More motivation
  • Brighter mood

Mind Lab Pro targets several different aspects of brain health to improve your brain's overall performance and cognitive functions.

The supplement works by:

  • Improving the speed of neural connections to enhance memory and critical thinking skills
  • Increasing nutrient flow to the brain to reduce mental fatigue and support focus and concentration
  • Boosting brain regeneration by preventing oxidative stress and combating structural changes to protect the brain from signs of aging and cognitive decline
  • Promoting circulation to ensure that your brain has enough oxygen and nutrients to function optimally
  • Altering brain waves by producing the neurotransmitters necessary for creativity and learning

Mind Lab Pro uses a proprietary mix of 11 natural ingredients that work together to boost cognitive performance without the need for stimulants. Notable ingredients include:

Lion's mane mushroom extract: This extract stimulates the synthesis of nerve growth factors, promoting brain regeneration, plasticity, and overall brain health.

Citicoline: This naturally-occurring compound stimulates the production of phosphatidylcholine, an important compound involved in numerous brain processes.

Phosphatidylserine: This vital component of cell membranes maintains fluidity and influences neuroreceptor efficiency.

Bacopa monnieri: An extract containing bacosides, bacopa monnieri supports learning and improves blood flow to the brain.

L-theanine: An amino acid, L-theanine acts as an adaptogen and reduces stress while increasing alpha brainwaves.

Mind Lab Pro also contains other ingredients that support brain function, including:

  • Rhodiola rosea
  • Vitamins B6, B9, and B12
  • ·L-tyrosine
  • Maritime pine bark extract

Mind Lab Pro is free of allergens, soy, gluten, and synthetic additives, making it suitable for vegans and individuals with gluten intolerances and allergies.

The manufacturer offers free global shipping options and a 30-day money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied with your results. Mind Lab Pro comes from FDA-registered U.S.-based labs, while independent, third-party labs test and validate each batch.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Mind Lab Pro

#2. Noocube: Best Brain Supplement for Memory


Noocube hit the market in 2016 as a brain-enhancing supplement. Wolfson Brands Ltd produces a wide range of dietary supplements, ranging from weight-loss pills to testosterone boosters and nootropics. The company has made its reputation as a high-end producer with reputable products, and Noocube is another example of its commitment to quality and reliability.

The manufacturer claims that Noocube will:

  • Enhance cognitive function
  • Heighten concentration and focus
  • Improve memory and learning
  • Increase mental energy
  • Improve multitasking

Noocube uses seven powerful ingredients to safely and effectively improve cognitive functioning. The manufacturer worked with leading neuroscientists to develop a nootropic formula that only uses clinically backed ingredients without the need for stimulants such as caffeine. These ingredients boost brain function while also protecting the brain from oxidative stress and the signs of aging.

Noocube uses a proprietary mix of seven clinically backed ingredients to provide nootropic effects. Notable ingredients include:

Alpha-glyceryl phosphorylcholine (Alpha GPC): A precursor to acetylcholine, Alpha GPC plays a vital role in maintaining neurotransmitter levels that assist with memory and learning.

Huperzine A: This compound inhibits the breakdown of acetylcholine, which increases acetylcholine levels in the brain. These increased levels promote mental clarity, concentration, and memory.

Cat's claw extract: This extract contains high amounts of antioxidants that can protect your brain from the damaging effects of free radicals and oxidative stress.

Oat straw extract: Oat straw may promote alpha-2 brain wave function, resulting in alertness and improved cognitive abilities. The extract may also control inflammation, leading to increased blood flow in the brain and optimal cognitive performance.

L-tyrosine: This amino acid is involved in synthesizing dopamine and epinephrine, the neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation and memory.

L-theanine: This amino acid is responsible for mood and stress regulation, so it can help reduce cortisol levels and promote a feeling of well-being.

Bacopa monnieri extract: This extract contains bacosides, compounds that assist with damaged brain cell regeneration and repair.

Noocube comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee and free global shipping. The store also offers bulk discounts if you buy multiple bottles at once, resulting in up to a 50% savings for a six-month supply.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Noocube

#3. Hunter Focus: Best Cognitive Enhancer for Focus and Productivity

hunter focus

Hunter Focus is a nootropic aimed at men looking to improve cognitive function and maintain long-term brain health. The manufacturer, Roar Ambition, is a U.K.-based company that promotes men's health with a wide range of dietary supplements, including testosterone boosters and natural nootropics.

The manufacturer states that Hunter Focus is for individuals in their prime looking to stay at the top of their game. Its formulation focuses on providing multiple benefits without focusing heavily on one particular area.

According to the manufacturer, Hunter Focus provides the following benefits:

  • Enhanced memory
  • Greater focus and concentration
  • Elevated mood
  • Increased energy
  • Boosted creativity
  • Optimized learning

Hunter Focus uses naturally occurring compounds to enhance the brain's natural metabolic pathways. By taking the production of neurotransmitters and enzymes to the next level, you can provide your brain with the nutrition it needs to form new pathways and maintain them for longer.

The formula targets three main areas of nootropic benefits: concentration, memory, and mood to provide comprehensive benefits that allow you to function at the top of your potential.

The supplement also contains several ingredients that boost blood flow to the brain, ensuring that it gets all the nutrients and oxygen for optimum mental acuity and function.

Hunter Focus' formulation is very similar to Mind Labs Pro, and the manufacturer states that it used this competing product as a base upon which to improve. The two most notable additions are:

Ashwagandha: A traditional medicine used in Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is a well-known adaptogen that helps you cope with stress. Ashwagandha can also reduce cortisol levels which negatively affect concentration and mood.

Caffeine: A potent stimulant that can boost alertness and concentration and enhance the benefits of the other ingredients in the supplement.

The other primary nootropic ingredients in Hunter Focus include:

  • L-tyrosine
  • L-theanine
  • Lion's mane mushroom
  • Citicoline
  • Bacopa monnieri extract
  • Rhodiola rosea extract
  • Maritime pine bark extract
  • Ginkgo biloba

Hunter Focus has a fully transparent label that includes all of the ingredients in the supplement, their dosages, and recommended daily amounts (wherever possible).

All ingredients are 100% natural and non-GMO, and the supplement is gluten-, soy-, and preservative-free. The manufacturer also offers free shipping to the U.K. and the U.S. and has several bulk-buy discounts to reduce your costs.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Hunter Focus

#4. Performance Lab Mind: Best Brain Booster for Energy

performance lab mind

Performance Lab is a sister company of the manufacturers of Mind Lab Pro, Opti-Nutra, and aims to provide a comprehensive line of supplements that enhance performance in all areas of life.

Performance Lab Mind is the company's nootropic supplement that aims to boost cognitive function and improve memory and focus. It does so through a carefully selected blend of natural nootropic ingredients that support many diverse brain functions.

According to the manufacturer, benefits of the Performance Lab Mind supplement include:

  • Boosts brain energy by up to 13.6%
  • Supports motivation, focus, and memory
  • Helps in recovery after intense cognitive exertion

Performance Lab Mind works by naturally supporting the brain and providing all the nutrients and compounds it needs to perform optimally. These nutrients help the brain bounce back from mental exertion and enhance neural regeneration for long-term brain health.

Performance Lab Mind contains several patented brain boosters to promote peak mental performance while avoiding stimulants and supporting short-term and long-term cognitive gains.

Performance Lab Mind uses two patented compounds and other natural ingredients that work synergistically to improve brain performance and maintain mental energy. These ingredients include:

Cognizin is a patented version of citicoline that provides numerous benefits to optimize brain health. In addition to helping rebuild damaged neuron membranes, Cognizin also increases the amount of ATP in cells, which boosts mental energy and performance.

Sharp-PS Green is a patented version of phosphatidylserine that promotes the production of nerve growth factor (NGF) while protecting brain cells from oxidative damage.

L-tyrosine is a vital amino acid in dopamine and epinephrine production. Both dopamine and epinephrine are neurotransmitters that control mood, libido, memory, focus, executive function, and alertness. Depletion of this compound results in brain fog and cognitive decline.

Maritime pine bark extract: This extract contains proanthocyanidins and antioxidants to improve cognitive function and reduce oxidative stress damage that can lead to a decline in cognitive abilities.

Performance Labs Mind is 100% vegan and uses easy-to-swallow 100% plant-based NutriCaps that are naturally infused with prebiotics. The manufacturer offers free global shipping for orders over $250 and has a 30-day money-back guarantee on your first order.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Performance Lab Mind

#5. Brain Pill: Best Nootropic Supplement for Entrepreneurs

brain pill

Brain Pill is a relatively new contender on the nootropic supplements market but has already started to make a buzz due to its synergistic ingredients and wide-scale marketing campaign. The manufacturer of Brain Pill, Leading Edge Health, produces dozens of supplements, meaning it has the expertise and facilities to produce a high-quality, reliable supplement that does what it claims.

According to the manufacturer, using Brain Pill for 30 days will provide benefits that include:

  • Razor-sharp focus
  • The ability to jump from task to task
  • A steady flow of mental energy
  • Higher levels of motivation
  • Extra brain power
  • Higher levels of concentration and mental alertness

Brain Pill works by combining several of the most popular natural nootropic ingredients into a synergistic combination that yields impressive cognitive benefits. The manufacturer even conducted asmall-scale preliminary clinical trial to test the safety and efficacy of the formula before putting it on the market.

All of the ingredients in Brain Pill target specific brain pathways such as focus, cognition, memory, and learning. Each target pathway gets a dedicated formulation to improve performance. These formulations work together to create a synergistic effect that improves cognitive health and mental clarity while protecting the brain from premature aging.

Brain Pill uses 13 potent nootropics in its formulation to produce a strong nootropic effect. Notable ingredients include:

Cognizin is a patented version of citicoline that plays a key role in maintaining neural structures and cognitive performance.

Phosphatidylserine is a key compound that's essential in maintaining cellular function in the brain, leading to improved attention and better memory retention and recall.

Vitamins B5, B6, and B12 are fat-soluble vitamins that all play an essential role in the formation of new brain cells in developing fetuses and maintaining neurological function.

Vinpocetine is a compound that increases blood flow to the brain and may protect brain cells against injury. The compound is so effective that doctors often use it to help patients recover from strokes and slow down the onset of dementia.

DHA complex is an omega-3 fatty acid that contributes to the formation and maintenance of the fatty sheath around nerve cells that protects them against damage. DHA may also have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect that can reduce cognitive decline as you get older.

Every order of Brain Pill comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, and selected U.S. orders qualify for free shipping. The company also offers discounts for larger orders, with up to a 50% discount off the original price.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Brain Pill

How We Ranked the Top Brain Supplements

Finding the best nootropics can be a challenge — many manufacturers make claims without providing evidence to back them up. Since nootropics and smart drugs are often some of the most expensive supplements on the market, it's vital to do your research before committing to a product.

We used several criteria when evaluating nootropic products to make sure we identified the best nootropics and smart drugs that live up to their claims. If you find a nootropic that looks promising but isn't on our list, you can use the same criteria we used to see if the product is worth your time and money.


Most nootropic dietary supplements contain a long list of ingredients that sound promising, but it's vital to check whether these ingredients actually do what the manufacturer claims. We always look for ingredients with a plausible mechanism of action and some scientific evidence of their safety and efficacy.

Manufacturers may often hide additional ingredients and fillers that affect the quality of the final product, so it's important to check whether the product you're buying has a "clean label" that transparently lists all of the active ingredients and any additives such as preservatives, gelatin, or allergens.

Advertised Benefits

Always be careful of any brain supplement that claims to transform your life completely with its cognitive enhancing abilities. While natural nootropics may offer some brain benefits to cognitive function, their results are often more subtle than suddenly gaining 20 IQ points. While nootropic supplements may potentially slow cognitive decline, they will never completely halt the brain's aging or the onset of cognitive disease.

Most reputable manufacturers will make claims that match the scope of their products. They may say that their products increase mental performance, but many will also warn that it can take up to 30 days to see the true effect of their supplement. Remember the old adage: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

User Reviews

User reviews are an excellent way to identify potential scams or discover the extent of a supplement's cognitive benefits. Try to ignore the extreme reviews that either completely loved or loathed the product, as these impressions are generally outliers. Instead, look at general trends of people's experiences with the brain supplement.

Good comments to look for will focus on the company's customer service record, overall supplement performance, and whether any users experienced potential side effects. Also, make sure to look at recent reviews — manufacturers will often play around with their formula, which may have a huge impact on the end result.


Nootropic supplements are some of the most expensive dietary supplements on the market since almost everyone experiences brain fog and would like to improve mental performance.

Prices that are completely out of the average range are always a warning sign. Products that are extremely expensive probably rely on first-time buyers spending a lot of money, after which the company doesn't really care if you buy from them again. Similarly, extremely cheap products will likely contain lots of fillers and low-quality ingredients, if they contain any active ingredients at all.

Most brain supplements will fall within an average range, but you'll still have plenty of opportunities to save money. Manufacturers often offer bulk discounts, so once you've found a product you like, it's a good idea to buy a six-month or year supply to get bigger bulk-buy discounts.

Refund Policy

If a manufacturer is confident in its brain supplement, it will likely have a money-back guarantee. However, be sure to always read the fine print on the refund policies, as some will require you to pay for shipping and handling, while others may have very limited refund windows.

What Are Nootropics and How Do They Improve Brain Function?

Nootropics, sometimes known as smart drugs or cognitive enhancers, are a class of drugs and supplements that potentially improve the brain's cognitive functions, including memory, executive function, creativity, motivation, and learning.

Nootropic supplements work in a massive variety of ways, with different supplements targeting different brain pathways to produce their desired effect. Some work on neurotransmitters, which are brain chemicals that control brain function, while others increase blood supply, nutrients, and oxygen to the brain. Some even stimulate the growth of new brain cells and nerves, preventing degradation and improving brain health.

What's surprising to many people is how many common compounds act as nootropics. Caffeine is a well-known morning pick-me-up, and studies show that it increases alertness and concentration. L-theanine is found in green tea and is also a potential nootropic that helps with focus and long-term brain function by protecting healthy brain cells from oxidative damage.

Some pills for the brain are available as prescription drugs to treat diverse conditions ranging from Alzheimer's to ADHD. These drugs have undergone rigorous clinical testing to prove their effectiveness and safety. Doctors may also prescribe these nootropics if you're struggling with constant brain fog or have some other cognitive function concerns.

A potential risk with smart drugs is that if you're supplying an excess of hormones, neurotransmitters, or enzymes to the brain, your body will eventually stop producing them itself. This means that if you stop taking your nootropic supplement, you may suffer cognitive decline until your body starts up its production again.

How to Choose the Best Nootropics

Once you've narrowed down your list of potential nootropic supplements, you'll need to look closely to find the best nootropics of 2022. By keeping these criteria in mind, you're likely to find a brain supplement that actually does what it claims.

Look for Clean Labels

While not an official designation, clean labels are a good indicator of a high-quality product. Clean label supplements typically only contain minimally processed active ingredients that contribute to the pill's function. Clean label formulas won't contain any preservatives, unnecessary additives, gluten, soy, or other allergens that may cause side effects in susceptible individuals.

Manufacturers have transitioned to clean labels largely to provide more transparency into their supplements. By providing a clean label product, these companies take the time to produce minimally processed products that contain only effective, proven ingredients.

Avoid Stimulants

While stimulants such as coffee are excellent nootropics, many brain supplements avoid using them due to their unwanted side effects. Since nootropics maximize alertness and mental performance, additional stimulants may produce an unwanted jittery feeling that interferes with the ultimate goal of providing clean brain energy.

While some good nootropic supplements may contain mild doses of stimulants such as caffeine, many manufacturers pride themselves on developing formulations that provide better mental benefits without the unwanted distraction that some stimulants induce.

Product Guarantees

Product guarantees show that the manufacturer is confident in their product. Some nootropics take 30 minutes to start working, while others need several weeks of continuous use to provide the best results, which is why the time-frames of money-back guarantees vary dramatically.

The industry standard is a 60-day money-back guarantee, which is plenty of time to decide whether a particular product is the right fit for you. You may need to pay for shipping and handling for your return, but it's still a safer bet than supplements without any guarantee at all.

Effective Dosages

All active ingredients in the best nootropic supplements have some clinical evidence showing their effectiveness. What you also need to consider is the dose of these ingredients. If lab studies used 100 mg of an ingredient, and your supplement only contains 10 mg, then you can't expect to see the same type of results. While comparing scientific studies to your nootropic supplement's label, check the doses and see whether your potential supplement matches up.

Another dosing aspect to consider is how often you have to take your nootropic supplement. There's nothing worse than having to take three pills three times a day. Most high-quality brain supplements require one or maybe two pills spread out during the day. While nootropics may boost your memory retention, it's not worth it to waste that boosted memory on scheduling your supplements.

The Most Popular Brain-Boosting Ingredients


Caffeine is the most commonly used nootropic on the market today, with approximately 80% of Americans getting at least one dose of caffeine per day.

To understand how caffeine stimulates your brain, you need to understand how adenosine controls your sleep cycle. Adenosine is an important compound in the brain. It builds up during the day, especially after intense physical activity or extreme mental focus. When it binds to an adenosine receptor, it sends a sleepy signal to your brain, and the more adenosine molecules bind to receptors, the sleeper you'll feel. When you fall asleep, adenosine falls off its receptor, and its levels drop, which is why you feel refreshed (hopefully!)  in the morning when you wake up.

Caffeine also binds to adenosine receptors, which means that adenosine molecules can't perform their function, and you feel more alert and awake after your morning cup. As the day progresses, the caffeine drops off the receptor, leaving it free for adenosine to bind to, which is why your energy levels eventually return to normal.

Lion's Mane Mushroom

Lion's mane mushroom is a popular ingredient in many Asian cuisines, but it also contains potential nootropic properties that make it a potentially beneficial ingredient in supplements.

The lion's mane mushroom may promote nerve growth in peripheral nerves and can also promote regeneration of spinal and brain nerves as well. Other studies show that it can suppress oxidative damage in neurons, protecting the brain against neurodegenerative disease.

It's important to note that most of the studies on lion's mane mushrooms are preliminary examinations, with no formal clinical studies performed upon humans. While the initial results are promising, more evidence is necessary to show that lion's mane mushroom extract effectively prevents brain disease or improves cognitive function in humans.

That said, since it's an edible mushroom that millions of people consume daily, it's likely a safe additive to any nootropic supplement when taken by mouth at a dose of 1 gram daily for 16 weeks, according to WebMD.


One of the two most well-known brain-boosting amino acids, L-theanine, plays an important role in coping with stress and improving alertness. Studies show that L-theanine relaxes the mind without causing drowsiness and that increased L-theanine intake increases alpha brain wave activity in young, healthy individuals.

These properties may make L-theanine a great nootropic for people who want to improve creativity or need help coping with stress that can interfere with other cognitive tasks.

Bacopa Monnieri

Bacopa monnieri is a well-known herb in Ayurvedic medicine, mostly for its ability to boost memory and cognition. Studies have isolated a group of compounds in bacopa monnieri called bacosides, potentially bioactive compounds that may help alleviate the symptoms of several neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease,Alzheimer's, and dementia.

Bacopa monnieri extract's potential to improve brain health and assist with memory, recall, and cognition makes it an appealing addition to most nootropic stacks. However, as with many other potentially useful ingredients, studies on bacopa monnieri extract are still in the early phase in mouse and fly studies. There's still a long way to go to prove that the extract will have the same effect on humans.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola rosea has received much attention as a potential therapeutic agent for Type-2 diabetes, as a cancer cell inhibitor, and even as an athletic performance enhancer.

In terms of nootropic potential, Rhodiola rosea may act as an adaptogen — a compound that helps your body deal with stress and alleviates physical and mental fatigue. Some very preliminary studies also show that it may improve mental processing speed during learning, making it a good ingredient for any brain health supplement targeted at students.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba extract is one of the most widely-studied plant extracts globally, having received much attention for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also produces modest changes to cognitive performance and social functioning of patients who have dementia by improving nutrient and oxygen supply to the brain and protecting healthy brain cells from further damage.

Unfortunately, while it's moderately effective in slowing cognitive decline in elderly and ill individuals, Ginkgo biloba does not have the same protective effect on brain function in younger individuals, which is why many brain supplements have stopped including it in their formulations.

Maritime Pine Bark Extract

Maritime pine bark extract has undergone numerous trials to determine its effectiveness for conditions such as Type-2 diabetes,hypertension, and ADHD. The extract has become so popular that companies have registered a trade name for it, Pycnogenol, in the U.S. and Europe.

The extract has several modes of action. It's a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and signaling molecule eNOS stimulator. These functions help protect brain cells from oxidative damage and other stressors.

CDP Choline

Cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine, or CDP choline, quickly breaks down into cytidine and choline in the bloodstream and impacts the production of phosphatidylcholine, which is an essential component of the phospholipid surrounding your brain cells.

Preliminary studies have shown that CDP choline protects neurons during strokes and brain trauma, implying that it has a very strong neuroprotective effect and promotes new brain cell development and brain cell repair.

Unfortunately, more extensive studies have shown that CDP choline didn't have any effect on patients with traumatic brain injuries or moderate-to-severe strokes, casting doubt on the protective properties of CDP choline.

The good news is that CDP choline is very safe even in large doses, meaning that, while it may not save you from a stroke, it's a safe ingredient in your nootropic supplement.

Vitamin B12

All of the B vitamins are involved in neurological function, but B12 is the one that plays a vital role in the development of brain cells and leads to improved memory and cognitive function.

While most people get enough B12 through their diet, vegans and vegetarians may struggle without supplementation since most vitamin B12 sources are animal-based. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to cognitive decline, increased risk of Alzheimer's and dementia, and even death.

Brain health supplements that contain vitamin B12 will improve brain function, provided that you have an existing deficiency. Excess vitamin B12 doesn't act as a cognitive enhancer, and your body will store it instead of using it to boost brain power further.

Benefits of Taking Nootropic Supplements

While natural nootropic supplements may not dramatically improve cognitive performance and raise your IQ by 20 points, they still offer potential benefits to your mental function. Many people experience brain fog, mental fatigue, and a drop in their energy levels that can lead to loss of memory and focus. Brain pills can provide the compounds you need to restore your mental processing speed.

Brain Health

Brain and nerve cells take notoriously long to recover from damage, and even a slight bit of trauma can affect your mental clarity.

The best nootropic supplements, such as Mind Lab Pro and Performance Lab Mind, contain neuroprotective ingredients that will help your neurons stay healthy and damage-free, letting you keep your memory retention and recall skills sharp for longer.

Improve Mental Performance

Brain chemicals can alter your mental processing speed. Adenosine can make you sleepy, while norephedrine, histamine, and serotonin will help you stay awake and mentally focused. By using cognitive enhancers that slightly alter your brain chemistry, you can reap the rewards of having optimal brain and cognitive function.

Short-Term Memory

As we age, the loss of mental ability often first manifests as memory loss and can take a significant toll on your mental health. If you're starting to forget where you put your keys, a brain function enhancer can help restore your short-term memory pathways and improve memory and recall.

Focus and Productivity

Mental exhaustion is often a result of your brain depleting critical nutrients and enzymes. If you spend a lot of time thinking, you'll deplete these essential compounds faster, leading to burnout and low brain energy.

A good nootropic stack will replenish these compounds while also boosting nutrient and oxygen flow to the brain, allowing for higher mental performance with fewer breaks.


Neurotransmitters can have a considerable impact on your mood, which is why many of the best smart drugs don't just boost memory and improve mental function. They also affect your mental health, putting you in a better headspace to deal with the stresses of daily life.

List of Synthetic Smart Drug Alternatives


Modafinil, or Provigil, is primarily an anti-narcoleptic but has gained traction as a brain booster that enhances brain function and boosts brain energy without the jitteriness of most stimulants. It is a prescription drug.


Adderall is one of the best-known smart drugs, with many people including it in their nootropics stack. It's a prescription drug containing amphetamine salts that acts as a stimulant that reduces fatigue and improves focus. Doctors regularly prescribe Adderall for ADHD to assist with focus and attention without reducing awareness.


Noopept is a prescription-only synthetic smart drug used to treat patients with severe brain trauma or cognitive concerns. Doctors rarely prescribe this drug to healthy individuals due to its psychostimulatory effects and lack of evidence of improving cognitive function in individuals without cognitive impairment.


Piracetam is a controversial smart drug due to many flawed clinical studies for its effectiveness in dementia and Alzheimers. The FDA has not approved it as a dietary supplement in the United States. Despite this, many people believe that it may enhance short-term memory and offer some neurodegenerative protection. Because its use is questionable, be sure to research it first if you plan to try it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Nootropics Really Work?

A lot of hype exists around brain supplements, so people often have very high expectations for a brain booster. The problem with any nootropic supplement is that your mental wellbeing and cognitive ability vary all the time, and deciding that you're feeling sharper after taking a pill is entirely subjective.

Identifying the real benefits of natural nootropics can be tricky due to the placebo effect and how our brains respond to stress. That said, many of the nootropics stacks we evaluated use ingredients that have some indication of assisting with cognition, such as bacopa monnieri and maritime pine bark extract.

How Much Do Nootropic Supplements Cost?

Nootropic stacks vary in price depending on the manufacturer and the ingredients they use. Generally, you can expect to pay around $200 to $300 for a three-month supply, but you can take advantage of bulk discounts to keep costs as low as possible.

What Nootropic Supplement Is Most Like Adderall?

Most nootropic stacks will use ingredients like ginkgo biloba extract and L-tyrosine and L-theanine amino acids to produce Adderall-like effects. However, none of the natural nootropics we've reviewed contains amphetamine salts, so none of them will act like Adderall.

Can Smart Pills Help with ADHD?

Potentially, smart pills can help with ADHD. Many prescription drugs are effective at managing ADHD symptoms. If you suspect that you may have ADHD, it's vital to consult with your doctor regarding your medication and therapeutic options. If you have a child with ADHD, it's wise to stick to a doctor's prescribed treatment plan.

Who Should Consider Taking Nootropics?

Nootropics may be a good solution for individuals under a lot of pressure to perform mentally and who don't have the time to use traditional means to recover. Anyone, from students to entrepreneurs, and even athletes, can get the benefits of a nootropics stack.

What Is a Nootropic Stack?

A nootropic stack is simply using several nootropics at once. Some people like to tailor their nootropics to their needs, using amino acids to help them cope with stress and ginkgo biloba to improve cognitive performance. Many brain supplements are nootropic stacks as they use several ingredients to provide the best results.

Can Brain Supplements Improve Memory?

Some smart drugs have clinical studies showing that they can improve memory, but these are usually in patients with existing cognitive issues. While the best nootropics may offer some protection against a further decline in healthy individuals, very few will improve your memory unless you already have a cognitive condition.

Are Brain-Boosting Pills FDA-Approved?

No. The FDA views a nootropic supplement as a dietary supplement instead of a drug, which means it doesn't regulate it. This can be a drawback since many manufacturers can advertise their nootropic supplement as the best brain supplement to make you a brain genius, but they won't suffer any penalties for not living up to their promises.

How Long Does It Take for Nootropics to Work?

Some nootropics, like caffeine, take around 30 minutes to kick in, while others require several weeks to produce an effect. A nootropic stack usually works faster since it combines ingredients with different absorption rates. In general, you should see an effect within a month. If you don't, consider taking advantage of your 60-day money-back guarantee.

Final Thoughts

Nootropics are big business today, which means that many unscrupulous manufacturers have jumped on the bandwagon to advertise their nootropic stacks, some of which may rely on a placebo effect instead of solid evidence. Finding the best nootropics can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack, which is why it's so important to research products before buying them.

We compiled our list of best natural nootropics to get you started, so if you're looking for something to improve brain performance, you can't go wrong with our picks.

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*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice nor to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, and may or may not be peer reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using a natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.