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Age of Automation in Cannabis

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* This is not a medical advice article. Please consult your primary care provider before starting any new supplement, to be sure if they are right for you. Always check your local and state laws to be sure CBD is legal in your area.

(Ad) The age of automation and artificial intelligence is officially upon us, and the cannabis industry is the latest to benefit from such groundbreaking technological advancements. At the forefront of the automation revolution in the vast world of cannabis is Xylem Technologies, a company focused on precision when it comes to automated vaporizer manufacturing and cartridge filling.

No longer do vaporizers and cartridges have to be hand-made by individuals, going through a grueling production process that wastes time, money, and product quality.

Now, the latest technological advancements in the cannabis industry, brought to us by the innovative powerhouse Xylem Technologies, are allowing vape and cart producers to increase output, quality, and profits. Perhaps the biggest advancement thus far is the Xylem X3 Automated Cart Filler Machine, a revolutionary piece of equipment that is changing the face of the cannabis manufacturing industry.

Article Highlights

  • Automation in the cannabis industry creates higher quality products that are able to compete with the black market.
  • Machines like the Xylem Tech Cart Filler allow vape cart producers to cut down on labor and manufacturing costs while increasing efficiency, productivity, and profits.
  • Automation and AI will continue to play an increasing role in the cannabis industry.

How Automation is Transforming The Cannabis Industry

To any, it might seem obvious how automation and artificial intelligence can be integrated into industries that manufacture consumer products, but how does this apply to cannabis, specifically vaporizers?

The fact of the matter is that automation is changing the cannabis industry, and most would agree that it is for the better, particularly for manufacturers. But there may also be some disadvantages worth considering for the workers being replaced by machines, which brings us to our first point.

Automation Taking Jobs from Humans

One of the bones that many people have to pick with automation is that it appears to be taking jobs from humans, which may very well be the case. According to official statistics, there are over 1.7 million jobs that have been lost to machines in the manufacturing sector worldwide since 2000, with the USA being one of the hardest-hit countries.

The reality is of course that in many cases, machines can do a better job at manufacturing than people can, mainly because cart filling is a difficult, lengthy, and labor intensive process. One machine can do the job of many people simultaneously, which means that there is no good reason to refuse this change and innovation. 

Although such machines may be eliminating some of the more manual and labor intensive jobs out there, they do still create other jobs, ones that are less labor intensive, such as the coding, programming, installation, and maintenance of the machines. 

Old School Producers Being Outcompeted by the Black Market

Another difference that automation is making in the cannabis industry is that it is starting to allow legal and ethical producers of cannabis and vape products to start competing with the black market. The reality is that the black market is massive, with half of the USA cannabis market estimated to come from the black market, at a whopping $30 billion.

Up until now, legal cannabis product producers just haven’t been able to keep up with the black market. While legal manufacturers are forced to follow a plethora of stringent rules and regulations, those operating on the black market have no such limitations.

More often than not, this means that black market producers can create higher quality products at lower prices because government regulations aren’t slowing them down for the sake of safety.

However, this is where companies such as Xylem come into play. Companies that produce state-of-the-art equipment that meet all of the necessary rules and regulatory requirements to be considered legal while also outcompeting any black market setups are the need of the hour. It’s all about taking advantage of cannabis automation to compete with the less onerous standards black market while producting a better quality  product.

Bridging the Automation Gap with the Xylem Tech Cart Filler

Perhaps the number one tool that is allowing vaporizer and vape cart manufacturers to keep up with the times is the Xylem Tech Cart Filler. This machine is able to produce fully filled and capped carts at an astounding rate.

This is a fully automated cart filling and capping machine that is able to handle all types of 510-threaded vaporizers, whether plastic, glass, or all-in-one. It only takes a single person to operate such a machine, and it features a production rate of well over 1500 units per hour. This unit is made with the best possible materials and technologies to allow for some of the best vaporizers and cartridges in the world.

One of the most beneficial aspects of this cart filling machine is that it features precise temperature control, with temperatures never exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. What this means is that the cannabis concentrates are never heated to the point where it destroys the terpenes and ruins the existing flavor profile. Instead, the Xylem Cart Filler preserves all of the natural aromas and flavors of the concentrate, thus providing users with the best possible experience. 

It's all about creating finished cartridges that have a great fit and finish, leak resistance, and fantastic flavors. The Xylem Tech Cart Filler is so efficient that operators are seeing investments on their returns within just two months.

Benefits of Automation for the Cannabis Industry

If you still aren't sold on the matter, let's take a quick look at all of the main benefits of automation for the cannabis industry.


Automated systems are now being used to control temperatures, humidity, and various other environmental factors to allow for optimal growing conditions for all marijuana plants. This allows for much higher cannabis plant survival rates, bigger plants, higher yields, and better quality as well.


No matter the industry, cannabis or otherwise, automation always comes with the benefit of scalability. Machines allow manufacturers to produce as little or as much of a specific product as they want, to effectively meet the demands of the market, all without having to greatly increase resources spent. Just consider how the Xylem Tech Cart Filler can produce 1500 units every hour with a single person operating it.


Automated machines can also be used to make the process of converting raw cannabis into finished goods such as vaporizer concentrates much more efficient. Automated processing can improve the quality and consistency of product while also cutting down on required labor and costs.


Manual packaging is extremely time consuming, but automated systems are able to package and weigh many different cannabis products with extreme accuracy and speed. This helps to ensure regulatory compliance while also reducing human error.


The vast majority of cannabis products must be stringently tested to ensure that they fall within legal limits as set out by various governments, and that they are safe. Automation and artificial intelligence is now being integrated into the cannabis industry to ensure accurate testing and legal compliance.

Better Customer Service

Human error is always an issue, but artificial intelligence and automation are able to improve response times to customer service inquiries, improve the accuracy of orders, and reduce response times as well.


Using automated systems also allows manufacturers to keep track of shipments, inventory, and all other aspects of the supply chain. As a result, minimizing shipping delays and omitting all kinds of logistics errors from their system.

The Xylem Cart Filler Machine

We really can’t stress enough how the Xylem Tech Cart Filler is revolutionizing the cannabis vaporizer industry. Just imagine being able to produce a whopping 1500 cartridges each and every single hour that meet the highest possible quality standards, legal regulations, and all while only requiring a single person to operate it. Xylem has truly changed the way that the cannabis industry operates, and for the better.

What’s the Next Technological Leap in Cannabis?

What exactly the next big technological leap in the cannabis industry will be is yet to be seen, but you can rest assured that Xylem is likely to be there. It is certainly a possibility that automation and artificial intelligence can almost completely take over the cannabis industry.

If you think about how there are now some grocery stores and gas stations that don't have any employees anymore, it serves to reason that the same principles could possibly be applied to cannabis growers, product manufacturers, retailers, and more.

Although 50 years ago it would have seemed unimaginable, now the idea of having self-reliant robots tend to cannabis plants, process the raw materials into finished goods, and even sell them, is not as far-fetched as it was back then.

Final Thoughts

For anybody looking to join the cannabis industry, particularly in terms of manufacturing the best vape cartridges in the world, keeping an eye on Xylem and its cartridge filling technology is recommended. This is only the beginning of the automation revolution in the cannabis industry, and some very exciting things are in the works.

Automation in Cannabis: Frequently Asked Questions

Let's quickly answer some of your most frequently asked questions about automation in cannabis.

What Is the New Technology for Cannabis Growing?

Another recent advancement in the cannabis industry is using artificial intelligence to create new genetic strains of marijuana with higher potency levels, better flavors, and better resistance to pests and diseases.

What Is the AI in The Cannabis Industry?

Besides using AI in the cannabis industry for creating new strains, it can also be used to keep track of various conditions and grow rooms, manage the manufacturing processes, and much more. Artificial intelligence is capable of assisting retailers all the way from seed to sale.

Is Cannabis Manufacturing Profitable?

The projected revenue for 2023 in the cannabis industry for the USA alone is nearly $34 billion. One thing is certain: the cannabis industry is growing exponentially!

*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice nor to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, and may or may not be peer reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using a natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.
