Male Extra Review: Scam or Legit? Here's My Results..

(Ad) Whether it’s your age creeping up on you, or a particularly stressful period at work, there’s no denying that being a flop in the bedroom isn’t fun.

And it can seriously affect your confidence as a man, not to mention put a strain on your relationship.

Which is why more and more guys are turning to things like male enhancement supplements to give them a boost in the bedroom.

One product I’ve been trying is called Male Extra.

They say that it’ll give you bigger, harder erections and help you last longer in the sack or your money back.

But does it really work?

Carry on reading to find out!

What Is Male Extra?

Male Extra is probably one of the bestselling male enhancement products in recent years.

The makers claim it will give you:

  • Bigger and harder erections
  • More pleasurable sex
  • Better orgasms
  • More stamina
  • Longer-lasting erections
  • And a boosted sex drive.

All using 100% safe and natural ingredients.

This seemed too good to be true, so I decided to take a closer look to find out if it works.

Male Extra Ingredients—How Does It Work?

To find out how Male Extra works, I decided to look into the ingredients and see whether there’s any evidence backing them up.

Here’s what’s inside:

Let’s take a look at each ingredient in more detail:


I did some digging on pomegranate:

  • I found this study that looked at how pomegranate juice affected erections in 53 men who suffered from erectile dysfunction. After four weeks, the men were asked to complete questionnaires about their sexual performance. The data shows that volunteers were more likely to have improved performance after consuming pomegranate juice compared with a placebo. With an impressive 25 out of 42 subjects reporting harder erections.
  • And this study shows how pomegranate juice can boost levels of nitric oxide in your blood by preventing it from being broken down. Freeing up nitric oxide promotes the widening and relaxing of blood vessels, therefore giving you bigger and harder erections.

L-arginine HCL

L-arginine is an amino acid that increases nitric oxide levels, which allows oxygen-rich blood to circulate through your system to promote strong, healthy erections.

  • This study looked at men with erectile dysfunction.
  • L-arginine was given to 29 men over a two-week period.
  • 31% of the L-arginine-supplemented group reported a significant improvement in sexual function compared with just 11% of the placebo group.


Cordyceps are a natural aphrodisiac that have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

They contain two key substances, called deoxyadenosine and cordycepic acid.

These ingredients are believed to boost your sexual desire by stimulating the part of your brain responsible for your sex drive.

  • This paper found that over 50% of volunteers showed an improved sex drive following cordyceps supplementation.

Zinc Citrate

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a key role in testosterone production.

And testosterone is the driving force behind your libido and sexual function.

Unfortunately, chances are you’re not getting enough zinc in your diet. This can seriously hamper your testosterone levels.

  • This study highlights the point perfectly by showing the effects of a low zinc diet. After 20 weeks, the testosterone levels of zinc-deficient men decreased by an incredible 75%.
  • The same trial concluded that by boosting your zinc intake for six months, you can increase your testosterone by an impressive 50%.

Male Extra uses zinc citrate because it’s absorbed much more effectively by your body. This further improves your testosterone production to maximize your sex drive.


Niacin has proven powerful effects on both erection quality and longevity.

It works by expanding and relaxing blood vessels in your penis. This helps increase blood flow and capacity.

  • This study was set up to investigate the effect of niacin on men with erectile dysfunction.
  • 160 male patients were given either niacin or a placebo, every day, for 12 weeks.
  • The niacin-supplemented group reported a significant improvement in their ability to maintain an erection.
  • The study concluded that “Niacin alone can improve the erectile function in patients suffering from moderate to severe ED.”

So, this tried and tested substance actually helps both erectile function and stamina, allowing you to last longer in the bedroom and maximize your sexual performance.

Male Extra Ingredients Conclusion

Bearing in mind that Male Extra is a natural supplement and doesn’t contain any pharmaceutical ingredients, I was surprised to find that there is real evidence backing it up.

It appears that the main way Male Extra works is by increasing natural levels of nitric oxide in your blood.

This widens and relaxes your blood vessels, giving you a rock-solid erection that stays harder for longer.

Overall, I was impressed with the number of scientific trials that backed up the claims of helping you achieve bigger erections, boost stamina, and boost your sex drive.

Male Extra Reviews—What Are People Saying?

After looking into the ingredients and being quite impressed at all the studies backing up a natural supplement, I wanted to find out what people really thought about Male Extra.

Here are some reviews I found:

Tyrell says Male Extra has exceeded his expectations and has helped him in the bedroom.

Cameron was a skeptic at first. But in his second month, he started noticing a boost in his sex drive and bigger erections.

And Daniel likes that Male Extra gives him proper erections again and even morning wood.

And Damien says that he gets harder erections and could make love three times per day!

Overall, I was impressed with the positive reviews, and people genuinely seem to be getting good results with it.

And according to their website, there have been over 320,000 satisfied customers. So they must be doing something right!

My Male Extra Results

After being impressed by the ingredients and the positive reviews, I decided to give Male Extra a try, so I ordered a bottle for myself.

It comes with free shipping and a 100-day money-back guarantee, and it took only a few days to arrive.

I started taking the recommended three capsules per day with meals, and it really wasn’t long before I started to notice some positive changes.

Here’s what happened:

  • On day three, I woke up with an erection. This is something that is rare for me. I wondered whether it was a coincidence, but since then, I get them all the time.
  • I feel hornier, and my sex drive is way up.
  • I get erections easily now, and they stay up. No more going floppy in the bedroom.
  • My erections are thicker and harder. The improved blood flow makes a big difference.
  • I feel more confident and happier because my wife and I are having great sex more often.

Male Extra working for me has been a big relief. It’s really helped me out in the bedroom, and I feel confident now that I can satisfy my wife and not be a big let-down.

Should You Buy Male Extra?

Male Extra has really done their homework and created a great product that contains natural ingredients with a ton of science behind them.

If you want:

  • Bigger and harder erections that stay up
  • A boosted sex drive
  • More confidence
  • A happier sex life

Then give Male Extra a try.

It comes with a 100-day money-back guarantee, so if you are not satisfied, you can just call or email them and request your money back!

We created a page on our website where Male Extra customers can leave a review and share their resultsClick here to check it out!

Or click the image below to visit the official Male Extra website to learn more and see the latest price.