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5 Best Natural Appetite Suppressant Pills To Control Hunger Cravings

Best Natural Appetite Suppressants To Control Hunger Cravings

By Kade Ventures

* Please consult your primary care provider before starting any new supplement, to make sure they are right for you. 

(Ad) Losing weight without being hungry. It’s the dream of every person suffering from obesity. And appetite suppressants promise exactly that.

According to industry statistics, 9 million women take appetite suppressant pills every day. But do appetite suppressants really work?

They do, but not all of them.

While some natural weight loss supplements can get you a lean body in weeks, other appetite suppressing supplements will do harm more than good and can cause some serious health damage.

We have done extensive research on this talking to experts, and hundreds of consumers who used appetite suppressant pills from top brands.

Considering consumers’ experience; and experts' opinions we came up with the top 5 best appetite suppressant pills that you can completely rely on. 

Top 5 Brands of Best Appetite Suppressant Pills

  • PhenQ - Overall Best Appetite Suppressant on the Market
  • Leanbean  - Top Rated Appetite Suppressant for Vegans
  • Trimtone - Popular Appetite Suppressant for Women
  • PHEN24 - Best Appetite Suppressant with All Natural Ingredients
  • PrimeShred - Best to Lose Weight Fast

Reviewing the Best Appetite Suppressant Supplements of 2023

After doing months of research, we can finally present you with the natural appetite suppressants that can help you progress toward your weight loss goal fast. 

1. PhenQ - Overall Best Appetite Suppressant on the Market

A totoal of 65% of the industry experts I have talked with told me PhenQ is the best appetite suppressant supplement. 

because it’s designed to be  powerful appetite suppressant that has a very successful track record of helping people with overweight issues.

It is also a natural weight loss solution that sources all its ingredients from whole foods rather than artificially created chemical substances. 

PhenQ is designed for curbing appetite, burning fat, and assisting in the production of natural energy.

You can get PhenQ in the form of appetite suppressant pills and it comes with 60 pills in a bottle. Since you can take 2 in a day, basically a bottle is a month's dosage. Take one capsule in the morning and the other one after lunch.

But the manufacturers advise you not to take them after 3 pm as they contain a good amount of caffeine which can disrupt your sleep schedule. 

Key Ingredients

a-Lacys Reset

This ingredient used in this appetite suppressing supplement is a combination of alpha lipoic acid, magnesium, and cysteine.

It may be able to speed up the metabolism process of our body by making our cells heat up.

Results of several studies show encouraging signs that α-Lacys Reset may be very useful for dropping weight in a short time and also help with muscle mass. 

Capsimax Powder

Capsimax   powder   is an important ingredient that actively  takes part in the thermogenesis process actively and helps to raise the temperature of the cells to burn fat.

The ingredient is made up of niacin, caffeine, BioPerine, and an extraction of capsicum. Capsimax powder is designed with the intent of not disturbing muscle mass while burning the fat. 


Caffeine is a stimulant that can boost your energy and may also contributes to burning and reducing appetite. 

L-Carnitine Fumarate

This ingredient is an amino acid extracted from vegetables. It plays a key role in transforming fats into energy which can contributes to body weight loss. It may also helps with recovering from fatigue and keeping your body energized.

Nopal Cactus

Rich in fiber, nopal cactus is the ingredient that may help with regulating appetite and providing your body with the required energy.

The fluid retention ability of the nopal cactus may also helps to drop excess weight and make your body fitter. 

Success Story

Mary Cramer is a mother of two and currently lives in New York. She had gained a lot of weight after the birth of her third son. She was completely out of shape, her self-esteem was low, and she would rarely go out.

So, after a discussion with the doctor, she decided to take PhenQ appetite suppressant pills to solve her weight issues. After taking them for a couple of weeks, she could see the positive result as her body was getting leaner.

She continued taking these diet pills for 3 months. And when she jumped on the scale after 3 months, she found that she had lost 18 kg in 3 months!

I had conversations with two other PhenQ users. One lost 8 kg in 4 weeks, and the other one lost 30 kg in 6 months. Mary Cramer is back in shape now and no longer needs to take the weight loss pills. 


·      May speed up weight loss remarkably

·      May enhance the metabolism function

·      May allow you to go long periods without food

·      May boosts energy levels 


·      Not suitable for highly caffeine-sensitive people

2. Leanbean - Top Rated Appetite Suppressant for Vegans

As one of the best natural weight loss supplements for women, Leanbean not only promises to help you suppress hunger but may also improves metabolism and burns fat.

After lifestyle influencer Bree Kleintop revealed that she uses LeanBean to remain fit, it became one of the most popular appetite suppressants on the market.

You have to take 2 diet pills to control hunger cravings with a glass of water 3 times every day.

For noticeable improvement, you need to take them for a minimum of 30 days. Every container comes with 90 weight loss pills which would be enough for a month.

You can also go through this Leanbean review guide by USMagazine.com! 

Key Ingredients

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 has the potential to makes your immune system stronger and helps you fight diseases. Along with that, it may increase your energy level and decrease tiredness.

Vitamin B6

Similar to vitamin B12, it may makes you feel energized. In addition, it may improve your metabolism rate, which works towards losing weight.


Often ignored in diets, choline is a water-soluble compound that can work wonders for your metabolism rate. The presence of choline may help lipid metabolism and normal homocysteine metabolism immensely.

Green Coffee

Unlike some other appetite suppressants, Leanbean uses green coffee which contains only a small amount of caffeine. So, it probably won’t make you feel jittery or cause issues with your sleep cycle.


Glucomannan is the main ingredient of this weight loss supplement and is extracted from Konjac fiber.

It creates a gel-like substance inside your stomach, which can absorb 50 times its weight when it comes into contact with water. And that creates the impression that your stomach is full.

Acai Berry

50g acai Berry is present in every serving of Leanbean. It has numerous potencial health benefits and can help you get a better body. 

Success Story

Patricia Landeros is a 32-year-old woman from Washington, currently working as a professor at reputable university. For genetic reasons, her family members easily gain weight.

Since college, she has been obese. Though she had always been a confident person, obesity was holding her back.

Last month she realized that she needed to lose weight to get her life back on track.

She has been taking Leanbean diet pills for 4 weeks. And she lost almost 5 kg in that time, without doing any form of exercise. She plans to continue taking the appetite suppressant pills until she gets back in shape. 


·     May enable you to remain energized and deal with fatigue

·      May effective at controlling the appetite

·      May increases metabolism rate and burns fat

·      Generally doesn’t disturb your sleep cycle

·      Contains all natural ingredients 


·      The price is a bit on the expensive side 

3. Trimtone - Popular Appetite Suppressant for Women

Designed only for women, Trimtone can be a key partner in your fight against obesity. It is design to works on three things to help you combat obesity; it increases the metabolism rate, it suppresses the appetite, and it burns fat.

Produced in the United States, it's reliable and you can use it daily for prolonged periods. Females of any age can take this weight loss supplement without worry.

Trimtone isn’t vegan-friendly as some of the ingredients are animal-derived. So, vegan people should choose a vegan-friendly option like Leanbean. 

You can learn more about fat burners for women through this detailed guide by Dmagazine.com.

Key Ingredients

Caffeine Anhydrous

The evidence from many studies is consistent that caffeine has the potential to be a good fat burner as it increases thermogenesis and lipolysis significantly. Also, it works as a stimulant to lift your energy levels.

Green Coffee

Green coffee is chlorogenic, which produces a large bump in heat generation. As a result, it may help increase the metabolism rate and burn calories right after having a meal.

Grains of Paradise 

Grains of paradise  is an herb from the ginger family that can activate the brown adipose tissue (BAT).

The BAT can makes your body warmer by incarcerating calories at a fast speed. Research results also tell us that BAT may help with controlling blood sugar levels.


Few alternatives can suppress constant, raging hunger as effectively as glucomannan.

The dietary fiber expands significantly inside your stomach making you feel full and helping you avoid food. As a result, your calorie intake may get lower and you may find it easier to lose weight.

The amount of glucomannan used in Trimtone is just perfect to help you avoid side effects related to glucomannan. 

Success Story

Bonnie Allen from New York is a 45-year-old woman. When she graduated from college, she was already overweight. So, she had been suffering from obesity for many years.

When she reached the age of 45, she was extremely unhappy with her body, eating junk food and feeling low on confidence. 

She wanted to lose weight but she didn't have the time to go through intense exercises or the will to stick to a rigorously strict diet.

So, she decided to give Trimtone a chance. And after 6 months she lost 20 kgs, which is hugely impressive. 


·      Made of natural ingredients

·      Not reported to be addictive

·      May helps burn fat fast

·      May help you control the appetite

·      May regulate sugar levels with glucomannan 


·      Not ideal for vegans

4. PHEN24 - Best Appetite Suppressant with All Natural Ingredients

Made with a cutting-edge formula that uses natural ingredients, PHEN24  is an excellent appetite suppressant that may help you lose a great deal of weight.

The supplement works 24 hours a day as you take one appetite suppressant pill in the morning and the other one at night.

Both the pills come in 2 different bottles, and they are designed to focus on different aspects of your body.

The daytime pill is designed to focus on improving your slow metabolism rate and may help control your cravings by making you feel full.

The nighttime pill may also helps you control the unhealthy night appetite and cravings that prevent weight loss programs from becoming successful.

The best part is that it may also burn fat and increase sleep quality. 

Key Ingredients of the Day Formula


If you try to restrict your food intake naturally with your diet, then your dopamine can drop significantly. But this L-phenylalanine  is   designed   to   not let the dopamine level drop and to keeps it normal so you can do appetite control without feeling a bit dispirited.


This is a South American plant that natives use for various health reasons. Its extract may help reduce body fat by increasing your metabolism rate.


Another ingredient that has amazing fat-burning effects on the body , cayenne may help you lose weight fast.


We all know how beneficial ashwagandha can be for the body. But you might not know that it may actively reduce cortisol, which is a stress hormone that contributes to body fat.

By reducing cortisol, you can keep your weight in check.


Zinc works as an immunity booster and may rev up the metabolism rate as well. 

Key Ingredients of the Night Formula


L-Theanine is an amino acid that can transform white fat into brown fat, which burns calories. The ingredient also features potential weight loss properties that may aid in suppressing your appetite.


After you’re done eating, your brain releases serotonin, which gives you a feeling of happiness and satisfaction.

Griffonia features a building block of serotonin which creates the false impression of happiness that you get after eating. As a result, you may not feel hunger as much.

Choline Bitarate

Leptin is known as the hunger hormone that tells your body that you need food. Choline bitartrate can kill leptin, which may essentially prevent your body from knowing it's hungry.


L-arginine is a good metabolism booster that may come in handy to burn fat.


This is a dietary fiber that can send signals to your brain that your stomach is full.

Success Story

April Lewis is an Instagram influencer based in London with 20000 followers.

In 2020 she was almost 90 kg, the doctor told her that she was pre-diabetic, and that revelation caused her to be depressed and extremely unhappy with her life.

So, she decided to change things in her life and lose the extra weight.

She chose PHEN24 to beat obesity. After 6 months of taking the diet pills and doing regular exercises, she lost 25kg.

Though she didn’t   know   how   much   she   would inspire people, she documented the entire weight loss journey on Instagram. She has a good number of followers now and makes fitness videos.


·     May burn fat fast

·      May make losing weight in a short time period easy

·      May gives you a feeling of happiness even when you're hungry

·      May provides a good dose of energy 


·      Excessive consumption can cause dizziness

5. PrimeShred - Best to Lose Weight Fast

With so much hype in the market, you’ve likely heard the name of this premium appetite suppressant.

This supplement may suppress your appetite, remove excess fat, and increase your metabolism rate which is in line with the body's natural mechanism.

The manufacturers have used a unique but potent combination of ingredients designed to help with significant weight loss. So, the appetite suppressing supplement is designed to works in three stages.

In the first stage, it should breaks down fat through activating lipolysis and initiates the process of manipulating signals to convince your brain that you're full.

In the next stage, it should boosts metabolism leading to the fast burning of calories, and in the third stage, it should increases energy and improves your concentration.

You can take 2 appetite suppressant pills every day. Ideally, you should take them with a heavy meal.

Key Ingredients

Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)

Food cravings make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. DMAE is design to suppresses hunger and increases focus and mental clarity. So, it may make it easier for you to focus on your work without the incessant cravings.

Green Coffee Extract

Celebrities love green coffee, and there’s a reason for that. It’s one of the healthiest things out there filled with antioxidants. It also has chlorogenic and caffeine properties may help burn fat.


L-Theanine can uplift your mood, give you mental clarity, and bring a huge positive change in your productivity. The element may also plays a role in reducing anxiety and stress making you happier.

Cayenne Pepper

It is scientifically proven that people who consume cayenne pepper have fewer cravings than others. The reason is that cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which can be really good at reducing your appetite. 

Rhodiola Rosea Root

The Rhodiola rosea root extract may improve yours mood and help you focus with amazing clarity. 

Success Story

Anna Seymore is a 60-year-old grandmother who was suffering from extreme obesity which was preventing her from playing with grandkids. To help her lose weight, the doctor prescribed her PrimeShred as weight loss pills.

With the help of PrimeShred, she lost 32 kgs in 52 weeks. She’s fully fit now and can run around the house playing with her two grandsons. 


·     May be excellent at suppressing appetite

·      May boosts metabolism

·     Design to target weight loss in multiple ways


·      A bit expensive

What Are Appetite Suppressants?

Appetite suppressants are a kind of drug design to target the central nervous system to reduce our food intake. Different appetite suppressants can use different mechanisms to achieve this.

For example, some release or mimic norepinephrine, while others prevent the reabsorption of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine or serotonin.

Sympathomimetic drugs like diethylpropion work by mimicking norepinephrine and are approved for short-term use in most countries.

And drugs like sibutramine that prevent the uptake of norepinephrine are approved for long-term use.

There’s been ongoing research for finding more mechanisms to curb our desire to eat. Appetite suppressants can come in many forms including pills and injections.  

How We Made the List of Best Appetite Suppressants?

Since we had limited time and resources, we didn't start with a big list. So, we sought after people who could tell us about the top hunger suppressants on the market.

So, we talked with three health professionals from New York and made a list of the top 20 natural appetite suppressant supplements.

Then we did some online research and dropped 8 names from the list due to some strong negative feedback.

Out of those 12 hunger suppressants, we tracked 5 users of each brand and contacted them by phone or mail. The users offered us their feedback and shared their experiences with us.

Based on their experience and the effectiveness of the appetite suppressant pills, we made the ultimate list of the 5 best hunger suppressants on the market. 

How to Choose the Right Appetite Suppressant Brand

If you lose calories the you lose weight. So, you need a brand of appetite suppressant that is an effective appetite suppressant and also burns calories. In short, you need a complete solution for weight loss.

Here, I’ll tell you how to find brands that offer amazing hunger control supplements.

Ask Your Doctor

Nobody can give you a better suggestion than your own doctor. First, your doctor has expert knowledge of the industry and knows which appetite suppressant brands are legit and which ones are scams.

Second, your doctor has information about your health condition and knows which brand can damage  your health.

Keeping your health condition in mind, your docter can provide suggestions for you.

Look for Natural Ingredients

The top appetite suppressant supplements always use natural ingredients that have the potential to help you lose weight without harming your body. So, check if your chosen product is using natural ingredients before you make the purchase. 

Read User Reviews

You'll get honest opinions from real users of the brand. They have taken the hunger control supplements and can tell you whether they work or not. So, read user reviews to find the right supplement. 

Check if the Products Is Properly Tested

A wrong and poor-quality appetite suppressant can damage your body. That’s why I can't stress enough how important it is to ensure that the appetite suppressant brand has been tested for safety and is FDA-approved. 

Safety Factors to Consider While Consuming Appetite Suppressants

Appetite suppressants can aid your weight loss, but at the same time, they can cause health issues as well. So, follow these tips to find a reliable option for you. 

Side Effects

You should avoid appetite suppressants with adverse side effects even if they have a high-efficiency rate.

Fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine were withdrawn from the market for being linked to cardiac valvulopathy. Sibutramine was also found to be responsible for myocardial infarction and stroke.

Lorcaserin, which was one of the most popular weight loss drugs up until 2020, was withdrawn from the market after research revealed that its usage can increase the risk of cancer.

So, no matter which appetite suppressant you choose, make sure they are free form side-effects, or have minimum side-effects.

Your Medical Condition

An individual can suffer from a chronic or serious disease in addition to obesity. In that case, even certain reliable appetite suppressants can become dangerous for someone who is obese. 

You will need to see how the appetite suppressant might interact with your current medical condition. If you have conditions like type 2 diabetes, or heart issues, will this supplement make things worse for you?

Consulting with a doctor will help you understand the potencial complications better and help you decide which appetite suppressant to take. 

Natural Ingredients

A good appetite suppressant supplement will always use mostly natural ingredients. And that's important because it tells you that they're safe. But the issue is that most people don't know which ingredients are natural.

For example, if I say that the “X” supplement has chromium picolinate, most people will assume it's a chemical when it's a natural supplement that contains the essential mineral chromium.

So, you have to use the internet to find out if the ingredients used in the hunger control supplements are natural. Just Google the names to easily find out if they are reliable. 

Caffeine Amount

Some appetite suppressants use a huge amount of caffeine in their weight loss pills which can cause some bad side effects like nausea, insomnia, and headache. 

So, make sure the amount of caffeine is optimal in the diet pills. 

Benefits of Appetite Suppressants 

An appetite suppressant is like a magic pill sometimes and can solve problems you may have with weight. Learn what you'll be getting from appetite suppressants. 

Can Help You Focus for Longer Periods Without Eating

Food cravings can destroy your productivity as your brain is constantly thinking about what to eat next. This can cause your productivity to suffer and make it harder to finish the tasks at hand.

An appetite suppressant is very useful in this case to reclaim your productivity by decreasing your appetite.

Since appetite suppressants are designed to send the signal to your brain that you’re full, your desire to eat should drop. Thus, as a result, you may not have cravings for food, and you can concentrate on whatever you’re working on without eating for a long time. 

Can Help You Control Emotional Eating

A lot of people turn to food when they're upset, stressed, or anxious.

Many foods, especially those with high intake of sugar and salt, release dopamine in the brain, which temporarily improves your mood and gives you a feeling of happiness.

While emotional eating seems to help in the short term, it’s unhealthy in the long run as it can later bring guilt, and regret. In some cases, this habit can increase your negative feelings once the initial high is gone.

In such cases taking an appetite suppressant can stop you from emotional eating. 

Helps You Lose Weight

Diet is vital to efficient weight loss. You can achieve this  by incorporating appetite suppressants into your weight loss regimen since they will reduce your desire for eating.

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. As appetite suppressants will help you with appetite suppression, it may be easier for you to lower your calorie intake. 

Also, many people have the habit of overeating regularly. Appetite suppressants can help them eat smaller portions of food and accomplish better weight management.

Another bad habit that most people carry is eating snacks between meals. You may be able to get rid of this habit due to the appetite suppressant since you won’t feel any need to have snacks regularly. 

Potential Side Effects of Appetite Suppressants

Before you start to take an appetite suppressant pill to decrease your appetite, learn about its side effects to make an informed decision.


Most appetite suppressant pills available on the market contain caffeine. It is known to narrow the blood vessels surrounding the brain, which can help deal with headaches.

But when you take these appetite suppressants regularly, you can get used to the regular caffeine intake. If you stop them suddenly, you’re likely to experience headaches. 

Blood Pressure

Appetite suppressants can increase blood pressure for some people. Hypertension patients need to be careful and must discuss this extensively with their doctor before taking the appetite suppressant. 


I’ve seen some people complaining about sleep issues after they started taking appetite suppressants.

They were finding it hard to sleep at night which was affecting their daily life. Though it’s not very common, you should consider the possibility of insomnia before taking these pills. 

Nausea, Dizziness, Constipation, and Cough

Some people experience symptoms like nausea, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, and cough after starting the medication.

These are minor issues and should go away after a few days. But if they persist, you should contact a doctor. 

How Do Appetite Suppressant Supplements Help You Lose Weight?

Appetite suppressants manipulate neurochemical signals and prevent them from telling the brain when you’re hungry and need to eat. Even though you’re hungry, your brain feels like you’re full and have no need to eat.

They may also increase the feeling of fullness meaning they might make you feel satisfied with far less food than you would normally consume. You’ll may eat smaller portions of food and consume less calories. 

Do Appetite Suppressant Pills Help You Burn Fat?

Taking appetite suppressants regularly may lead to a reduction in fat

Ingredients such as biopterin, caffeine, and green tea extracts initiate the thermogenic process in your body that helps the cells to heat up.

Appetite   suppressants   pills   are   designed   to  enhances the metabolism function of the body which then makes the fat-burning process quicker and more efficient.  

FAQs About Appetite Suppressants

Q1. When Is the Best Time to Take Appetite Suppressants?

If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time, and have been unsuccessful, it might be time for you to try appetite suppressants. Your body mass index (BMI) can also be a good indicator if it's the right time for you to take weight loss pills. If your BMI is more than 30, you're eligible for taking appetite suppressants. If your BMI is 27 or more and you have another weight-related medical condition, then you can also take these pills.

Q2. Are Appetite Suppressants Safe to Use?

Broadly speaking, yes, supplements that promote weight loss are trustworthy and hundreds of thousands of people use them regularly without any issues. But everyone’s body is different and your body may react badly. In that case, you might suffer from side effects. Also, you have to check if your medical conditions aligns well with the appetite suppressants.  

Q3. Do I Need a Prescription for Appetite Suppressants?

Some appetite suppressants, such as pharmaceutical drugs, will require a prescription to purchase. However, you could use over-the-counter appetite suppressant pills to control weight which don’t require any prescriptions to purchase. Note that these   suppressant   pills aren’t as rigorously tested as pharmaceutical drugs and might not be 100% safe for you. The best solution would be to talk to a doctor and find out the proper appetite suppressant for you.  

Q4. How Long Can You Take Appetite Suppressants?

It can be a few weeks, or a few months based on your health and the type of appetite suppressant. Some appetite suppressants are prescribed for the short term like 6-12 weeks. However, if someone has significant obesity, the doctor might opt for a longer course that spans many months.

Q5. Are Appetite Suppressants Suitable for Everyone, or Are There Specific Contraindications?

If you have a certain medical condition, you should check if an appetite suppressant will interfere with your current medications. If it can, the supplements won’t be safe for you. Also, appetite suppressants aren't safe for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and glaucoma patients.

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Concluding Thoughts: What Is the Most Powerful Appetite Suppressant?

Appetite suppressants are a blessing for those who have   experienced unsuccessful diets and are still burdened by obesity. 

But careful purchase is important as you need to look at the evidence of the effectiveness of the product before making the decision. All our picks have been chosen with utmost care and after rigorous research.

I suggest PhenQ appetite suppressant pills, as they’re it’s the best of the lot and haves consistently delivered excellent results.

*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice nor to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, and may or may not be peer reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using a natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.

By Kade Ventures