
Prime Male Review: Is Prime Male The Best Testosterone Booster?

Prime Male review. Is Prime Male really the best testosterone booster on the market? Our reviewers answer all your questions

*Please consult your primary care provider before starting any new supplement, to ensure if they are right for you.

(Ad) Prime Male has been in the news a lot recently, with many people calling it the best testosterone booster on the market—while others are more skeptical. Who is right? After reading our comprehensive review of this product, you will be in a much better position to make an informed decision.

MUST-SEE: Critical New Prime Male Report—This May Change Your Mind!

What Is Prime Male?

According to Healthline, male testosterone levels start dropping by around one percent per year after they’ve reached 30. Prime Male’s main aim is to help men over the age of 30 maintain a normal, healthy lifestyle by providing them with a large number of vital nutrients in an easy-to-digest format. Backed up by thorough research, this product is able to stimulate the male body’s levels of natural testosterone when it starts declining.

What readers should be aware of at this stage is that Prime Male contains only natural supplements—no synthetic products here. The ingredients are mostly vitamins and minerals that naturally occur in everyday foods, so there is a very little known reports of experiencing side effects.

According to the manufacturer, the majority of people will be able to see positive results within around two weeks after starting to use this product. One should, however, not make the mistake of thinking that Prime Male is a magic pill. You will have to continue exercising and following a healthy diet after starting to use this product.

Readers might also like to know that Prime Male is manufactured in a facility that adheres to very strict guidelines that have been approved by the FDA. Our research on this product has also shown that the vast majority of online reviews from people who have used this product are positive.

Please note: If you suffer from preexisting medical conditions, it is advisable that you first discuss using this product with your doctor. Men under the age of 30 should also not be using Prime Male.

Click here for the lowest price on Prime Male’s official website

How Does Prime Male Work?

For various reasons, as men grow older, their bodies start producing less testosterone. This product works by aiding the male body’s natural production of testosterone. It does this by focusing on removing barriers to natural testosterone production that may develop as we age.

Men who suffer from a zinc deficiency, for example, often also may suffer from reduced levels of testosterone. Prime Male contains a whole range of products aimed at helping to correct this imbalance. These include LH (luteinizing hormone), prolactin, estrogen, and SHBG (sex-hormone-binding globulin).

LH, in particular, is essential for increasing the male body’s testosterone levels. Prime Male targets the production of this hormone by using the amino acid D-AA-CC, which sends a signal to your brain to produce more luteinizing hormone.

We will discuss this further in the section entitled Prime Male Ingredients, below.

Prime Male Ingredients

Prime Male contains a long list of powerful ingredients. Let us take a closer look at what they are before we proceed to the rest of this Prime Male review.

Red ginseng extract. This is an herb that grows naturally in Korea, where it has been used for centuries. It is believed to offer a wide array of health benefits such as improving erectile dysfunction, increasing energy levels, and boosting one’s immune system. Red ginseng is also a very strong antioxidant.

According to this Healthline article, ginseng works remarkably well when it comes to boosting your libido. The article refers to a study in which males who took a daily dose of red ginseng for eight weeks reported improvements in sexual performance, erection quality, and libido.

Magnesium. Even if a man has high testosterone levels, he might still experience symptoms of low testosterone, because it is normally bound to compounds like sex-hormone-binding-globulin (SHBG). For the body to be able to use testosterone, these compounds must first be broken down. What triggers this is magnesium. Taking magnesium-rich supplements may boost the accumulation of testosterone in your body and improve overall physiology.

D-AA (D-aspartic acid calcium chelate). This type of amino acid acts as a neurotransmitter. It is a vital trigger in the male body’s testosterone production process. In this regard, readers might want to know that a study carried out on 23 males over a 12-day period found that taking D-AA on a daily basis led to an increase in their testosterone levels.

In the case of Prime Male, D-aspartic acid comes with a highly soluble substance called calcium chelate that’s created to make it significantly easier for our bodies to completely absorb it.

Luteolin. This flavonoid occurs naturally in vegetables and fruits. It inhibits the action of a compound known as aromatase that is responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen.

Bioperine. The core function of Bioperine is to strengthen your body’s capacity for absorbing other nutrients. It is typically derived from black pepper seeds. Prime Male contains a patented type of Bioperine that helps to boost the supplement’s availability in the body.

Boron. Prime Male also contains boron, a mineral that (among others) helps to build muscle mass and stronger bones and improves the production of testosterone. A fairly recent study revealed that men who took boron every day experienced an increase in their testosterone levels. On top of that, boron is easily absorbed by the body, making this a remarkably fast-acting supplement.

Zinc. This is yet another vital building block in the body’s testosterone production process. Several studies have confirmed that there is a correlation between testosterone levels and zinc intake. To put this in another way, an increase in your zinc intake will very likely cause an increase in testosterone levels. Prime Make plays a role in helping to increase the body’s zinc levels, which in turn benefits testosterone production.

Vitamin D3. This is yet another one of the male body’s important testosterone building blocks. Unfortunately, it is a well-known fact that a large percentage of males do not get sufficient vitamin D. The reason for this is that it comes from the sun—and most people nowadays are simply too busy to take the time to relax outdoors and soak up the rays of the sun. This is the biggest reason why so many men suffer from vitamin D3 deficiency. In this regard, Prime Male may play an important role, because it is not only said to boosts vitamin D3 levels but, in the process, it may also stimulate the production of testosterone.

Nettle root. Nettle root works quite similarly to magnesium. It helps with the release of the testosterone that is typically bound by sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) so that it becomes available for use by the body. Nettle root may also assist with blocking and/or suppressing the production of estrogen by the male body.

Vitamin B6. Your body can’t just make testosterone out of thin air, it needs the right ingredients to do this. One of the most crucial testosterone building blocks is the hormone known as androgen. And vitamin B6 plays an important role in boosting androgen production. Once androgen levels have been increased, the body is stimulated to start producing higher levels of estrogen. Apart from that, vitamin B6 also comes with added health benefits. It, for example, also helps your body to absorb magnesium and zinc more efficiently. And it plays a very important role in boosting your immunity.

Vitamin K2. On its own, vitamin K2 cannot really be called a fast-acting testosterone booster. In fact, it will probably not do much to improve t-levels. When taken in conjunction with vitamin D3, however, it delivers remarkable results.

If one can make one deduction from the above list of ingredients, it’s that the manufacturer clearly doesn’t simply throw a random list of supplements together to make it look impressive. Every one of these ingredients was properly researched, not only regarding the way in which it works on its own but also in the way it works in combination with other ingredients.

Click here for Prime Male’s full ingredients list on its official website

Benefits of Prime Male

No review is complete without listing the positives and negatives involved with using a product. In this section, we take a closer look at the benefits of Prime Male and after that, we will proceed with a section on side effects and who should not be using this product.

It may help improve your libido

At this stage, readers should perhaps scan the previous section again, particularly as far as testosterone is concerned. This is the most important sex hormone found in your body. Its purpose is to trigger sexual desire, sexual fantasies, sexual thoughts, etc. We believe the more testosterone in your body, therefore, the stronger your sexual desire will be.

It is by boosting the body’s testosterone levels that Prime Male is able to enhance sexual performance and improve libido. As your testosterone levels increase with your usage of this product, there will typically be a noticeable increase in your libido.

Mood enhancement

Prime Male may help users to overcome tiredness and fatigue. It may also help the user to better cope with chronic mood swings. As time passes, you are likely to increasingly experience positive emotions and peace of mind.

Clarity of mind

Exhaustion and tiredness can both serve to impair your cognitive abilities. It is for all intents and purposes impossible to think clearly when you are constantly feeling tired. Prime Male addresses this problem by ensuring that you feel less tired and more relaxed. This, in turn, improves your clarity of mind.

May Slow down the aging process

Nobody likes to get older, but unfortunately, it’s an unstoppable natural process. Just because someone is getting older, however, he does not have to look 75 at the age of 45. It may still be possible to retain that youthful appearance as you grow older because of Prime Male’s testosterone-boosting properties.

Building lean muscle again

A very unpopular side effect of losing testosterone is the loss of muscle mass that typically accompanies it. For many people, this is a rather depressing experience. Because Prime Male may improve your body’s production of testosterone, you could soon have the lean muscles associated with a much younger person again.

It helps you to burn fat more efficiently

More than one of the ingredients found in Prime Male can play a positive role in boosting your body’s fat metabolism. This, in turn, may help you to build a better defined and leaner body. We have to qualify this statement though: To derive this benefit from Prime Male, you will have to keep working out on a regular basis and not consume a two-pound bar of chocolate and three pounds of sugar on a daily basis. In other words, follow a healthy diet.

Click here for the lowest price on Prime Male’s official website

How To Use Prime Male?

Prime Male is a highly bioavailable tablet that should be taken with a glass of water. Start by carefully reading the instructions before using this product. According to Oxford Languages as quoted by Google, bioavailability refers to the proportion of a drug or other substance that enters the circulatory system when introduced into the body and so is able to have an active effect. This means that Prime Male will be quickly absorbed in your bloodstream and that you will begin to experience the effects very soon. Take only a single pill at a time, four or more times a day.

Prime Male Possible Side Effects

It is very unlikely that you will experience any serious side effects after using this product. If you do, these effects will probably be mild. Some of the most commonly reported side effects include:

  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea

These should clear up after a day or two. If they don’t, stop using Prime Male for a few days and consult with your doctor before trying this supplement again.

Who Should Refrain From Using Prime Male?

As should be fairly obvious from the name, women should not be using this product. The reason is that it boosts testosterone levels, which is good for males, but in females, it could lead to mental health problems such as depression.

As mentioned earlier, Prime Male is primarily meant to be used by males over the age of 30. That is because 30 is, in most cases, the age when gentlemen start experiencing a drop in testosterone levels.

While men in their twenties who feel a need to boost their libido and energy levels might still benefit from this product, it should not be used by males younger than 18.

Prime Male should also not be used by people who suffer from preexisting medical conditions before they have consulted with their doctor.

What Are Prime Male Buyers Saying About This Product?

In the final instance, a product’s success is determined by the marketplace. We scoured online Prime Male reviews to see what users are saying about Prime Male and were pleasantly surprised. On Amazon, no less than 69% of buyers give it a 5-star or 4-star rating. A typical review reads like this: “I have cycled on this testosterone booster a couple of times and it works really well with my body. I can feel the gains and slim down around the stomach area.” Another reviewer had the following to say: “I'm 50 and work out regularly. After taking Prime Male Natural Testosterone Booster, I feel more energy and mental clarity throughout the day.”

To be fair, a small minority of users reported that they could not feel much of a difference after starting to use Prime Male. Many of them, however, only used the product for one month before stopping.

ALSO READ: Prime Male Customer Reviews and User Testimonials

Prime Male Pros and Cons

Potential Pros

  • Boosts sexual performance and libido
  • Helps to boost strength and improve muscle mass
  • Helps with fat loss via faster fat metabolism
  • Boosts stamina and energy levels
  • Improves mood and helps to keep you more motivated
  • Benefits your cognitive abilities
  • Enhances skin


  • The manufacturer offers a money-back guarantee, but this might not apply to everyone.
  • Because of individual differences in people’s activity levels and diets, the results could vary significantly from one individual to the next.

Where Can You Purchase Prime Male?

One of the best places to buy this product is probably from the official Prime Male website. It is, however, also available from many reputable online stores such as Amazon.com and eBay.com.

Is Prime Male Worth The Price?

Prime Male is certainly not the cheapest product of this kind on the shelves. Taking into account, however, that it contains only carefully selected ingredients that are manufactured under strict supervision in an FDA-approved facility, the higher price could be well worth it.

Click here for the lowest price on Prime Male

Prime Male Shipping and Return Policy

The manufacturer’s full shipping and returns policy can be found here. Below is a brief summary.


- Orders are shipped either the same day or the next day, except for weekends.

- Delivery times vary from 2–4 days (USPS priority), 3-6 working days (Europe), and 5–15 working days (Australia) to 40 working days (Mexico). Also, consult the section entitled “Countries we do not ship to.”


- Returns will only be considered if the product is still sealed, unopened, and unused and the packaging is not damaged. It also has to be returned within 30 days in the case of orders from the U.S. and 14 days in the case of international orders.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know that Prime Male is safe?

In the first place, Prime Male is a natural product. It contains no synthetic chemicals or steroids. As such, it has been put through very strict quality control procedures.

Can I be sure that Prime Male really works?

Prime Male is totally legit. Not only does it come with all the required certifications, but it also adheres to FDA standards for supplements of this kind. On top of that, all the ingredients are natural and safe with no known side effects.

Will Prime Male work the same for everyone?

Results will not be the same for all individuals. Outcomes typically depend on your diet, overall health, how active you are, and your lifestyle. Talk to your doctor before starting Prime Male to ensure it’s right for you. It is recommended that Prime Male users should exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet.

Note: Prime Male will not work to correct low libido in females.

How long will it take for Prime Male to start working?

As a general rule, most users may begin to feel the effects of Prime Male within around 7 days after starting to take it. Others, however, could have to wait two weeks or longer. What is important here is consistency. If you keep on using Prime Male regularly, you are much more likely to see positive results in a relatively short time.

How quickly is Prime Male absorbed by the body?

Prime Male contains an ingredient known as Bioperine. This speeds up the product’s bioavailability. In other words, Prime Male will be absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly and it will start working soon afterward.

Can I continue taking other drugs if I take Prime Male?

It depends on many factors, including what other drugs you are referring to and what conditions you are taking them for. We recommend consulting your doctor first.

Should I follow an exercise routine while taking Prime Male?

Yes, that is highly recommended. You can’t build strength and muscle simply by taking a pill. You will also have to get regular exercise. Apart from that, consider combining Prime Male with a diet that is rich in protein.

Prime Male Review: The Conclusion

Low testosterone levels can cause many health issues in males, including losing muscle mass, building fat, and low libido. In this regard, it is important to keep in mind that Prime Male is widely regarded as one of the best testosterone boosters on the market. The fact that the ingredients are completely natural and that the production facility and manufacturing procedures have been approved by the FDA only serves to further strengthen the case for this product.

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*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice nor to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, and may or may not be peer reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using a natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.