TestoPrime Review: Does TestoPrime The #1 Testosterone Booster?

TestoPrime claims to support boosted testosterone levels using only natural ingredients, without risking major side effects. Find the truth in this brutally honest TestoPrime review.

* Please consult your primary care provider before starting any new supplement, to ensure if they are right for you.

(Ad) Testosterone deficiency may hinder a man’s joy in life. It’s said to sap energy, strength, hair, focus, and more from his body and mind. Often, low testosterone could be pinpointed as a contributor to depression, weight gain, and slipping performance at work—or worse yet, in the bedroom.

All the testosterone treatment regimens prescribed by physicians come with an unfortunate list of side effects, making them less-than-ideal for most men. Enter our TestoPrime review.

Visit the TestoPrime official website for the best price.

What Is TestoPrime?

TestoPrime is an all-natural dietary supplement that helps support your body’s natural testosterone production without the need for invasive testosterone treatments. It’s formulated using 100% organic ingredients in FDA-certified facilities throughout the United States and the United Kingdom.

How Does TestoPrime Work?

As men age, they experience a natural decline in testosterone production. The effects of testosterone deficiency have been observed in approximately 2% of men overall; however, this number rapidly increases with age—as many as 50% of men aged 80 and older have a notable lack of testosterone.

TestoPrime claims to work by first activating hormones in the body that prevent the deterioration of healthy testosterone, in turn, reducing the production of DHT (an androgenic by-product of testosterone that has been shown to play a significant role in hair loss, prostate cancer, and more).

TestoPrime also states to stimulate the body’s natural fat-burning mechanisms, while improving blood flow. This is a catalyst for a man’s natural energy, which is enhanced along with strength and sex drive.

They believe, one of the most powerful ways TestoPrime works is by inhibiting estrogen production—bringing a man out of that inescapable slump of depression. This action, by itself, gives the rest of the actions the momentum to remain cyclic (assuming the person stays on their regimen).

Benefits of TestoPrime

Overall efficacy has been highly noted in many TestoPrime reviews, followed by how well particular improvements were noticed. These benefits are part of the longevity of success that TestoPrime has exhibited over the last five years.

Reduced Stress Levels

Cortisol (the stress hormone) is caused by many triggers in the body, such as gaining weight or losing energy. This is on top of the already demanding changes that occur as we age. TestoPrime helps to alleviate both of these concerns while also delaying estrogen production. Elevated estrogen levels in men have been linked to depression, erectile dysfunction, and other things.

Boosted Strength

TestoPrime claims to stimulate testosterone production and improves blood flow throughout the body. These two mechanisms can help men to regain lost muscle and also make it far easier to build new muscle with less work. It’s not uncommon to notice a replenished muscle definition without even having to work out.

Boosted Stamina

Another potential benefit of increased blood flow is that the body will enjoy a boosted level of oxygen. This, along with boosted strength and virility, can leave a man feeling brand new.

Of course, this translates in many ways to real life; if you have more energy overall, you feel better at work, and you notice an increase of endurance in the gym as well as in the bedroom.

Boosted Sex Drive

The ingredients in TestoPrime are carefully chosen to work with one another in such a way that the person taking it will enjoy more than simply a balanced testosterone level. It’s not a matter of changing the testosterone level in just one day but of setting a course toward balanced levels over time. Decreased libido happens gradually and often as a result of low testosterone.

TestoPrime helps to preserve the body’s natural testosterone and stimulate the production of more, thereby slowing the production of estrogen. When you add the other effects—increased strength, stamina, blood flow—you have all the ingredients for a substantial increase in sex drive.

Boosted Metabolism

One of the more frequently praised benefits of TestoPrime is its fat-burning aspect. Compounds in TestoPrime assist the body’s natural metabolism, making it easier to turn stubborn body fat into useful free energy that can be enjoyed.

Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee

This one may not be felt physically, but it certainly is a relief to have the confidence of a brand promising all of your money back if you’re not satisfied.

Most of these testosterone booster supplement brands offer a warranty window, which almost always ends exactly at the deadline mentioned. TestoPrime’s lifetime no-questions-asked warranty is comforting by comparison.

Click here for the lowest price on TestoPrime

TestoPrime Ingredients

As mentioned earlier, the ingredients in TestoPrime were carefully chosen to complement one another in the most effective ways. All of the ingredients are 100% organic and natural. There are no fillers at all in the supplement and each ingredient speaks for itself.

D-Aspartic Acid

D-aspartic acid is an endogenous amino acid that the body already produces. It can be found throughout nature and is known to stimulate the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland influences nearly all bodily functions, but most importantly, in this case, the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland produces luteinizing hormone (LH), which supports the levels of reproductive hormones to ensure that the reproductive system remains functional.

In other words, D-aspartic acid helps your body make testosterone.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea has been known to produce a myriad of health benefits, which are mostly attributed to the compound epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been shown to offer many benefits for the human body.

It’s said to aid in health and weight control to brain function and inflammation. The list of beneficial properties exhibited by EGCG is quite extensive.

Panax Ginseng

Known by Chinese herbology for centuries, this root has been the subject of many scientific research studies since the 1970s. It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Panax Ginseng has a remarkable positive influence on the reproductive system—particularly in men.


Fenugreek is another seemingly innocuous herb popularized by science after centuries of use throughout Asia. Studies suggest that fenugreek has an undeniable boosting effect on testosterone levels in men. It has also been shown to help regulate glucose, curb excess hunger, help control cholesterol, and even alleviate heartburn.

Ashwagandha Extract

It may be more appropriate to ask, “What doesn’t Ashwagandha do?”

This evergreen shrub is truly (at the risk of sounding like a pseudoscientist) a miracle herb used to reduce stress levels, both psychologically and physically,

Immunity from many pathogens has been shown to adapt more efficiently through the use of ashwagandha as well. This may occur in part due to the reduction of stress and anxiety, which are known to hinder immune responses.

Pomegranate Extract

Pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant in any form, but few effects can be felt from drinking juice or ingesting any realistic amount of fruit. The extract, however, has been shown to support blood sugar levels and slow atherosclerosis (plaque buildup along arterial walls). This helps fight heart disease and also aids in blood flow.

As you may already know, increased blood flow is a vital component of an increased sex drive.

Black Pepper Extract

Piperine is the extract found in black pepper. It helps the body in many ways, but for TestoPrime’s purposes, its most notable quality is that it multiplies the bioavailability of any ingredients used in conjunction with it.

In other words, normally when the body would stop taking nutrients from an ingredient, it excretes the rest as waste. Increased bioavailability allows the body to utilize more nutrients from every ingredient longer.

Garlic Extract

Despite the claims that garlic will increase testosterone levels, this simply isn’t the case, unfortunately. There are not enough research studies to back this claim.

However, garlic extract does show many other benefits, such as increased blood flow.


EGCG (mentioned above) acts as an activator for zinc to enter the body’s endocrine system. Once absorbed, zinc slows down the production of aromatase enzymes, which are one of the main contributors to the conversion of testosterone into estradiol (not to be confused with estrogen) and estrogen.

Vitamin D

There are countless benefits to having a healthy level of vitamin D. Bone health, dermatological health, cognitive function, and even mood stabilization are only a few of the most prominent positives.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps maintain the body’s testosterone levels. It has also been shown to improve cognition, reduce anxiety, and support good rest.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is a metabolic enhancer. Healthy levels can help the body convert fats into healthy usable energy. This also acts as an activator for the other ingredients, allowing the body to absorb them more efficiently.

Click here for TestoPrime’s full list of ingredients

How to Use TestoPrime

The recommended dosage is four capsules daily, in the morning. Optimally, they should be taken thirty minutes before eating breakfast, as the body can more easily absorb the ingredients with food calories.

A single bottle containing 120 capsules should last exactly one month (depending on the month).

Who Should Use TestoPrime?

TestoPrime is not a prescription medicine. The target demographic for this supplement is men aged forty and older.

Anyone experiencing the effects of low testosterone should consider this supplement. The only people who definitely should not take TestoPrime are those under the age of 18 and anyone with a condition that may be deemed “life-threatening.” Regardless of your condition, it’s always a good idea to consult your physician beforehand.

Click here for the lowest price on TestoPrime

What Are the Side Effects?

Brace yourself for this: There aren’t any known side effects.

In the five years that TestoPrime has been available on the open market, there has not been a single case of someone reporting serious negative symptoms attributed to the supplement.

This may sound too good to be true, but the fact is, this product is made from all-natural ingredients that are 100% organic and formulated in facilities that are regulated by the FDA. TestoPrime contains no fillers, flavoring, grains, soy, gluten, nuts, dairy, coloring of any kind, or boosters other than the natural compounds mentioned above.

We believe there is no need to be concerned about any negative effects other than the mild inconvenience of having to take four capsules a day.

What Are Customers Saying?

P.A. says….

My doctor determined that my testosterone was low and prescribed hormone therapy (a pill). My insurance declined it (luckily) since (after researching this more) I learned it has a lot of side effects, mostly bad and none I wanted. Plus, it was very expensive. I decided to consider the T booster market.

There are a lot out there. I felt TestoPrime advertised the best combination of the most natural ingredients. So, I thought I’d give it a try. I noticed the difference by the second day. My cognition was better, my overall mood improved (I was not so sluggish or tired), my digestion improved, and (best of all) my libido felt reinvigorated. Now, almost two months later, I feel more normal and more active... everywhere <wink><wink>. The hormone therapy might have done more for me but, for my situation, at this point, TestoPrime proved effective for me. And I’m confident in what I’m ingesting... with no unwanted side effects. I didn’t realize testosterone affected me that much. TestoPrime has made a believer out of me.

Jakub says…

Great stuff. Pushed me for more exercise and gave me much more energy for the gym or simply waking up! Love it. About to buy 3 months’ worth of that stuff whenever some discount shows up!

Click here to read TestoPrime real customer reviews

Pros & Cons of TestoPrime

The volume of positive aspects outweighs the negatives by a two to one ratio and, to be honest, the negatives are of minimal severity. They may even be considered trivial by comparison.


  • Efficacy. The obvious answer is that its effects are more than expected. Taking testosterone supplements can often be misleading or disappointing. That simply will not be the case with TestoPrime.
  • 100% natural. It not only does its advertised duty of improving testosterone production, but it does so completely naturally, using only 100% organic ingredients.
  • Lifetime money-back guarantee. Undeniably, one of the greatest reasons a man should give this a try is because, unlike many other testosterone support supplements that offer money-back guarantees, TestoPrime offers a full refund, no questions asked, without a time frame obligation. Their offer is given without stipulations for as long as you are a customer—forever.
  • Results. TestoPrime grants an enormous increase in overall energy and endurance, making sure to keep a man’s virility going as long as possible. This is also helped by the increased blood flow and oxygen levels throughout the body.
  • Fitness. TestoPrime helps trim that excess body fat by turning it into much-needed energy, while simultaneously making it easier to build muscle at a faster pace with less effort. Muscle definition returns in no time at all.
  • Sharpen up. TestoPrime is more than just a T-booster and workout helper—this supplement will bring a man out of his funk by attempts of alleviating depression and anxiety. This is made more noticeable since mental clarity and overall cognitive function are also restored to their former abilities.
  • Sex drive. Quite possibly the greatest part of all is the revitalized sex drive and reanimated youthful virility that is the ultimate goal of most of the men who become customers of TestoPrime. Performance in all aspects of a man’s life will see a definite improvement by comparison to where they are/were before TestoPrime.


  • Routine. It will likely be a slight inconvenience to have to take four capsules every morning. If you are one of those people who has a rough time taking pills, it’ll take some getting used to.
  • Unsubstantiated claims. Some of the ingredients make claims that aren’t fully and undeniably backed by in-depth scientific research studies. However, the ones that do have links to the proof above. But if you have doubts, simply do some more research.
  • Money. As far as the customers are concerned, the only real downside is the cost. The next section will help those who see it as a problem to understand a little more as to why it’s worth it.

Click here for the lowest price on TestoPrime

Is TestoPrime Worth the Money?

Before jumping immediately to the answer, it’s worth noting that if a person feels like they have a testosterone deficiency, they will have to see a doctor. That’s money you’re spending just driving to the doctor’s office. After testing your blood, your hormones, and everything else—that can be a saddening bill to receive, especially if you’re uninsured.

Assuming the results come back, and you are, in fact, deficient in testosterone, you’ll be referred to an endocrinologist (a fancy term for a hormone doctor), which isn’t cheap. They’ll give you a list of options and prescribe whatever they think is your best option.

Hypothetically, if you opt to get the testosterone shots, those will run you anywhere from thirty to three hundred dollars—insurance doesn’t often pay for these. You’ll have to get them, on average, every few weeks. If you administer the shots at home, then factor in syringes, medicine delivery fees, etc.

Oh, and don’t forget that these treatments run an inherent risk of awful side effects, including prostate cancer, among other things.

Now flash back to that moment when you initially thought you had a testosterone deficiency. Paying $60 for a one-month supply doesn’t sound so terrible now, does it? For the price of three bottles, you’ll get six bottles worth of capsules and it’s always free delivery. That’s half a year’s regimen for the cost of a single blood exam at your physician’s office.

So, we’d like to answer the question, “Is TestoPrime worth the money?”

Yes. We believe without a question and beyond a doubt.

Click here for the lowest price on TestoPrime.

Where Can You Buy TestoPrime?

Although TestoPrime can be found on Amazon, it’s not recommended that it be purchased through a middle man. Too many knockoffs and scam sellers are flooding the market to be sure of what you’re getting.

The only way to ensure that you are receiving the original, scientifically-proven formula is to order it directly from the TestoPrime website. Ordering direct will not only guarantee that you are getting the real deal, but will also give you the benefit of a lifetime money-back guarantee. Not to mention, TestoPrime tends to have some pretty sweet deals going at any given time.

Visit TestoPrime’s official website for the best price.

Shipping & Return Policy

TestoPrime’s shipping policy is simple; all orders are shipped anywhere in the world free of charge, always. After an order is placed, it is in the mail in 48 hours or less, and depending on the destination, it can be expected to arrive as soon as five days and as late as fifteen days at a maximum.

The return policy is equally straightforward. TestoPrime has only two stipulations: 1. You have to purchase your TestoPrime directly from the website. 2. You have to follow the regimen for one month as recommended.

If you followed these stipulations, then without another thought you are eligible for a no-obligation return in which you’ll get your full investment returned. This applies without a time constraint other than the initial thirty days that you must try it to find out if you want to return it.

If somehow the supplement didn’t provide the results you were looking for, just contact TestoPrime’s support team and they’ll walk you through the process of returning your items.

Click here for more information about shipping and return policy.


Do I cycle TestoPrime?

Since TestoPrime doesn’t contain any fillers, preservatives, etc., there’s no reason to cycle your regimen. Simply start when you want and stop when you want (in the unlikely event that you choose to stop). Nothing in the ingredients should ever throw off your physiology in a negative way.

When can I expect results?

Some customers claim to see results immediately, while others claim that it took a week. The TestoPrime website says that “as little as a few weeks” should be the right amount of time. It also suggests that if you want the full effect, you should continue to take TestoPrime for at least three months. This should allow your body to fully acclimate to the physiological gains being made.

Will it mess with my other medications?

Although no known side effects have been reported, If you are prescribed anything that you are taking regularly, then it’s a good idea to consult your doctor.

TestoPrime Review Conclusion

It’s safe to say that all of the hype is not in vain. TestoPrime is a true, honest, natural supplement that is created to boost testosterone levels in men while helping them retain the testosterone that is already there. It boost energy, endurance, sex drive, and overall virility in a man within as little as one week. Those with a testosterone deficiency who want to return to their youthful vigor would do well to consider this supplement.

Click here for the lowest price on TestoPrime.

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*This article is provided by an advertiser. Statements made are not meant to offer medical advice nor to diagnose any condition. Any studies cited here may be preliminary, and may or may not be peer reviewed, and may or may not have sufficient participants to be statistically relevant. Anecdotal accounts should not be taken as scientific results. Products discussed in this article are not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The FDA does not evaluate dietary supplements. Consult your doctor about possible interactions, allergies, and if you are considering using a natural and/or dietary supplements for any condition. Individual results will vary.